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Baker of bread, maker of wine, grad student of philosophy
The writers for Yellowjackets were clearly inspired by The Bacchae. Occasionally it flips from being an overwrought melodrama to being a brutal adaptation of dionysian ritual.
Noah 2014 is a cowardly film. If you are going to go outside the Genesis narrative then you should go full book of Enoch and get wild with it. This middle ground sucks. It annoys the fundamentalist Christians while not being fun for anyone else.
The Suicide Squad Isekai is a deeply weird cultural artifact. It's the culmination of several long chains of influence hoping the Pacific multiple times across decades. The show itself seems a bit mid, but you could write a fascinating book tracing back all the influences to their origin points.
To be is to be a masochist
I'm dying internally after asking a lesbian in an excited tone "Have you seen Hundreds of Beavers?" I was asking about the movie with that title, but they started laughing at me before I could explain.
My sourdough starter is a miraculous beast capable of bouncing back from more than three weeks of starvation in the fridge after only a single feeding
Reposted byAvatar Fopling
You arrive in heaven. Before you stands The Lord, filthy and sweat soaked, wearing dingy tattered overalls. He gives you a once over while chewing contemplatively on a piece of straw. He drawls in an accent dripping with Savannah, “Does a boy get to whitewash a fence everyday, my child?”
I tuned in to the debate and almost immediately wanted to turn it off again. This is such a repulsive exercise...
A couple of proud parents hanging out with their kids
"She went down to the missing person's bureau and hasn't come back" great line
Thinking about when a friend of Swinburne took him in and gave him a comfortable life. Swinburne never wrote great poetry after that. His friend said "I saved the man but killed the poet." Swinburne is my favorite poet, but I'm glad. He deserved happiness more than we deserve his poetry.
Average song about a woman written by a man: a woman is like a particularly good kind of truck. Average song about a woman written by a woman: my relationship with her is a combination of worshipful and erotic like unto that of Hosea with Jehovah.
Shockingly similar to what I say when outlining my ontology. All of this is literally true
you are not a "secret third thing" numbers are not real neither are things neither are secrets
Reposted byAvatar Fopling
oh, you exist outside of the dichotomy. so do I. communication is an act of mutual self-destruction
I've decided that I hate the Detroit airport. I'm contemplating my mortality in traffic
"The spirit of outlaw country is alive today in Canadian pop stars introducing that sound into country music" - some country musician on the radio I'm leaving this planet...
I'd love to sit down with both Baudrillard and Marshall McLuhan. It would be interesting to see how they interact while talking about TV.
Reposted byAvatar Fopling
"In the image of television, the most beautiful prototypical object of this new era, the surrounding universe and our very bodies are becoming monitoring screens." - The Ecstasy of Communication
I just make a pizza topped with spinach, goat cheese, fresh mozzarella, marinated tomatoes, and burrata
Living in this crusader kings ass democracy
"The only democracy, therefore, is that of gaming." - The Perfect Crime
Reposted byAvatar Fopling
Paying A Mysterious Stranger 50 US Dollars For A Small Plastic Baggie Of Allegedly High Quality Posts
So much AI video seems to have learned how light works from Thomas Kinkade paintings. It's so lush, saturated, and colorful in ways which look wrong
Reposted byAvatar Fopling
They veer off in a relativist direction with this paragraph. What do you mean there are no bad values? Racial purity seems like a bad value, but I can't say it hasn't been carefully examined by many racists.
I find this section very pernicious given the reason the students are forced to do this module. It's suggesting that the protestors have been hijacked by other people's values and didn't really believe in what they were doing.
"When one doesn’t know their own values, it becomes difficult to live by their own values and easy to adopt other people’s values without realizing it. Lack of knowledge or clarification about one’s own values may lead people to make decisions contrary to what is important to them."
I got my hands on a copy, and it's extremely stupid. This will be a thread of me going over the document and analyzing salient points.
“In order to return to the university, some students would be required to complete a 49-page set of reading and tasks — “modules” — known as the Ethos Integrity Series, geared at helping participants “make gains” in “moral reasoning” and “ethical decision making.”” 🧐
Why Is N.Y.U. Forcing Protesters to Write Apology Letters? The university calls it a “restorative practice”; the students call it a coerced confession.
I'm working on making a relationship with some local bee keepers. They've said I can get a discount on honey if I give them a bottle of mead every once in a while. I think I'll give them some dandelion mead a month from now and see what kind of discount I get.
This is by far the clearest explanation of the unity of opposites we get from Heraclitus. For Heraclitus opposites are necessarily connected to one another, otherwise they could not truly be opposites they would just be unrelated. This tension is at the core of his processual metaphysics. #philsky
They do not comprehend how a thing agrees at variance with itself; it is an attunement turning back on itself, like that of the bow and the lyre. - Heraclitus
They do not comprehend how a thing agrees at variance with itself; it is an attunement turning back on itself, like that of the bow and the lyre. - Heraclitus
The first episode shows the hero beating goblin children to death with a stick while explaining that he has to do it because they have evil blood. Saying the 14 words on repeat for half an hour would somehow be more subtle.
The anime Goblin Slayer is one of the most fascist pieces of media I've ever seen. It's so blatant that I thought it might be a parody at first. It's not a parody. It's literally about why genocide is good and necessary to protect women's innocence.
The anime Goblin Slayer is one of the most fascist pieces of media I've ever seen. It's so blatant that I thought it might be a parody at first. It's not a parody. It's literally about why genocide is good and necessary to protect women's innocence.