Jana H-S (they/she)

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Jana H-S (they/she)


inventor of crabs (retired)

other writing: https://jana-h-s.itch.io/
patreon: https://www.patreon.com/jana_hs
adding a tier to my patreon where you get to be jana instead
adding a tier to my patreon where you get to ssh into my computer and do whatever
if you ever find yourself severely depressed just remember that's actually rare spiritual knowledge, it's the thing that makes you special, and if you ever escape it you will lose the esteem of your peers
before she stepped back into her machine, she left me with a final word of hope: "it's not over yet, jana", she said. "there are entire breads that you haven't invented yet. so you have that to look forward to." I never saw her again
why do I use the word "transexual" sometimes instead of just "trans" or "transgender"? easy. it's simply a funnier word
seven identical janas sit in a circle around an ancient stone table. each one holds a dagger in their left hand and an empty cup in their right. they speak in hushed tones, discussing the best way to incorporate the word "faggot" into more of our Posts
interviewer: I see on your resume that you have listed your only goal as "being tied to a chair and given cigarette-burn stigmata by a butch dyke in a nun outfit while she lectures me about the embodiment and suffering of jesus christ" jana: frankly, I don't think you're allowed to say that word
all of my guitar playing on the nearshore audiobook will be sloppy for Artistic Reasons btw. the fact that this is the first time I've seriously played guitar in like fifteen years has nothing to do with it
Novelty Coffee Cup That Has A Picture Of A Beautiful Rainbow Trout On It And Also The Word Fishpiss In Large Block Letters
fun date idea: we both Like, Repost, and reference each other's Posts for months without ever acknowledging the relationship that is developing between us. we riff back and forth in the replies, not knowing what we mean to each other, too afraid to ask. then one of us stops Posting without a word
there is a person in your life who remembers every interaction with you in perfect detail. they remember every word. every expression on your face. you are the only person who they remember this way. they are afraid. but they do not blame you. they do not hate you. they would simply prefer to forget
keeping it simple this week. buckle up buckaroos, it’s trash tuesday. show me what you’re workin with
if no one else is going to say it then I'm going to say it: headstones are too expensive. I should be able to just buy a headstone and put words on it and put it somewhere and the fact that I can't just do that is the main thing holding back the written word as a form of expression
I am extremely excited to announce that @jyn.dev and I have been collaborating on an "audiobook" for my novella Nearshore. or, more accurately, a "spoken-word noise opera adaptation", fully scored by yours truly hear the thing that has been described as "like a podcast that hates you" coming soon
Nearshore by Jana H-Sjana-h-s.itch.io A novella about grief, crabs, and the end of the world
that word means something different to me, she said, taking a sip of her drink. she is not smiling. I didn't know what she meant by that. and she never explained. I don't think the name she gave me was real, but it doesn't matter now
Imagine getting stuck living in this town.
There's Only Room For Maybe Five Or Six Jana H-Ss On This Site And I'm Already At Least Two Or Three Of Those
[voice of a youth pastor who died six years ago, shouting from the next room] you know who else longed to be free of the flesh? don't you long to join him? [me, violently high] I recognize this as an early symptom of psychosis and, were I more responsible, I might consider reducing my weed usage
Have You Ever Heard That Thing About How Every Person Dies Twice Once When Your Heart Stops Beating And Once When Someone Thinks Of You For The Last Time I Think That's Bullshit I Think Everyone Dies At Least Eight Times I'm Not Sure What The Other Six Are But Don't You Think That's Kind Of Exciting
there are pockets of existence that were never meant to be discovered. they are not here for us. small fragments cast from worlds alien to us. speaking in quiet tones of a depth of time impossible to fit into a human body. but now you have seen it. it is a thing that has been seen congratulations
This is a picture of a newly discovered pool never seen before by human eyes 700 ft deep in Lechuguilla Cave a part of Carlsbad National Park here in New Mexico
every beach is a graveyard
Dating questionnaire: Graveyards or Beaches?
you said you could never keep something so beautiful in your head long enough to paint it, so you kept them hanging on the wall near where you worked. pinned. behind glass. they look so free, in the paintings
you're allowed to imagine any of my characters as weird bugs btw
gf who accidentally saw half of a fast and furious movie on tv and has been referring to the polycule as a "family" / gf who is into it for reasons that have nothing to do with illegal street racing
adding a tier to my patreon where you get to drive me around like a mech suit
I asked your friends if any of them had ever seen a ghost. no one spoke up, but I could see by the way that a few of them didn't that I had touched a nerve. the night was quieter after that. you hadn't told me about her, yet. I wouldn't have asked if I had known I remind you of her, don't I
There’s two or three of us have seen strange sights.
all endings are imagined. all beginnings are invented. the border between the self and the Bit, like all borders, is an act of violence
where does the bit end…and the human begin…
consciousness is stored in the blood
when you tell your friends about me, tell them that I love them. I want them to know