
🇬🇧 Register to Vote🇬🇧 Even if you’ve been out of UK for 15+ years you are eligible to vote in UK general election, likely 4 July Please spread the word & get registering Here’s the link to finally get the bastards out
Register to Get on the electoral register so you can vote in elections and referendums.
And if you’re gonna be on holiday, get a postal vote.
If you’ve been out of the country for 15+ years then why should you have any say in our government?
Because I’m a British citizen, pay tax in Britain on a UK military pension, have paid NI all my life entitling me to a British state pension. I have British family. (This is not an exhaustive list) Do you think I should give up my British passport, too, seeing as I no longer live there?
Excellent. So you believe people (UK nationals?) who leave their home country to live elsewhere should be for forced to become stateless. This will certainly add a new twist to A Place in the Sun
Looks like the Con bots have made it to BlueSky...
I know. I let myself be reeled in 🎣
Yes just registered. We have to re-register every year so don't let it slip folks! I got my reminder from Fife Council last week 🙏
Am registered & have applied for a postal vote #DoingMyBit đź’Ş
Thank you for the info, have just submitted my application! (resident of USA)
Is it too early to start planning the party?
Definitely not. It will be like a Eurovision party on steroids
Where’s my bloody passport!!! Need to go find it to re-register
I would add if you live in a country where the post arrives 5 weeks after it was sent from the UK, you need to 1) register 2) request proxy 3) get proxy pal to request proxy postal vote. Am still waiting for confirmation of 1) started in April though I have done 2).
Oh my goodness I did redo my postal vote last summer seeing the writing on the wall about a general election. And then was sent an email saying I needed to register in some other additional way despite having been already approved. So I gave up because I didn't have capacity to do it all again.
Actually no point voting in my area: All the old people vote the Tories in almost every time & the only other party that has won has been the Lib Dems a while back. Actually awful that we can't vote for who we like because it's a wasted vote. Democracy is pitiful. I only wish the Tories would d*e.
Ok but I’m going to vote FOR the Torment Nexus