
Crazy to me that anyone is having a conversation about whether Biden should step aside and not which of the Roberts Gang of Six should be under federal investigation tomorrow.
Agreed, but isn't the fact that Biden (and his admin) isn't out there banging this very drum an indictment of him (and maybe his capacities)?
I think his reaction has been appropriate so far tbh, and appropriately concerned. Off the top of my head, he gave (I think?) his first unscheduled primetime speech the same day, and I believe his only one attacking the court so far, and one of his campaign directors said they were "scared as shit.'
For sure, I do think the admin's response to this one was more aggressive than is typical from them. To me, it seems inadequate to the moment. But I'm dumb, so I'm willing to trust they're keeping their powder dry for a reason. But i dunno, that speech expressed a helplessness that wasn't fun to me
i’m hoping the speech is a hustle, like, “oh look at all this money i have and i’ve never played billiards…” frankly i’d rather they speak softly and carry a big stick rather than come out with a tough guy speech right away
Yeah it's very possible he'll blow it, maybe he's just not up to the task, but he's got four months before the election and they've effectively given him carte blanche to do some very popular, effective things at the right moments.