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Just another chronically ill disabled person trying to figure things out.
Reposted byAvatar Freck
What does "suffering" look like for the wealthy? Being outed as a sexpest? Looks like they don't suffer at all.
Reposted byAvatar Freck
You’ll never guess who bombed another school today.
You’ll never guess who bombed another school today
I feel like I can finally breathe because our son is actually gonna get medical help he's needed
Reposted byAvatar Freck
I swear to God if you mess with me I’m gonna send you so much damn Chinese food
Damn well maybe we'll get to see the beach, he can have his first beach trip after the hospital stay if it's safe
Okay Leroy will go to MUSC in Charleston . Alot of his blood work was off. Blood in the urine again. His bone age doesn't match his actual age. So he'll be there until they figure it out or help us get him to a better point We go Monday to get all the info, have this weekend to get it together
Reposted byAvatar Freck
Defaulting to wanting to believe the man you like/are a fan of is how we fucking ended up here so please knock it the fuck off
Reposted byAvatar Freck
This message for the people who has alot of followers and friends on Bluesky and Instagram or FB , might you will be the reason of saving my family and our children by your sharing and spreading the campaign between those people around So please don't think this asmall help or not enough Thank you❤🙏
Emergency: Help Emad’s family evacuate to safety, organized by Emad Hello my name is Emad I am raising funds to evacuate my family out of Ga… Emad Muhareb needs your support for Emergency: Help Emad’s family evacuate to safety
Man we can't afford to travel to another state but it's the best hospital Fuck
Waiting for the Dr to call back again. Might be traveling to MUSC for Leroys care.
Reposted byAvatar Freck
The "don't give bad news without offering a solution" crew stinks of toxic positivity. Hey 👋 Hi, I want to die. Am I allowed? Do I have your fucking permission to feel this way? I don't have a solution! 😱
I get on here just to talk to myself tbh Anyways
It's 2024 and it's still the usual to forcibly hold children down to get blood Could we please have some better ways
A shit ton of labs because someone listened for once. Then might be admitted, stat order on the labs and urine
Waiting to find out if he's being admitted to the hospital or getting more labs done then maybe admitted
Waiting to find out if he's being admitted to the hospital or getting more labs done then maybe admitted
Reposted byAvatar Freck
My youngest grandson (8) asked me why I didn't like rich people. Told him I don't care if there are rich people so long as everyone else has enough to survive & live somewhat comfortably. Told him we teach kids to share, & scold them if they don't & that I'd like adults to remember that lesson.
Honestly if we could catch a real break that would be great but no It's always something and it never stops. And I'm the issue for not wanting our child to get sicker if it's possible
Watching my 6yr old baby scream cry because he's so terrified of Drs now is so much to handle He's half my size and almost stronger so holding him makes me feel like the worst human possible. I just want him to be okay. Please.
Leroy is becoming less mobile but finally got him to use his walker if he wants to walk His little knees are so inflamed. Back to the Dr in the morning and labs 😭 he's going to hate us so much
So I get my Lupron shot for a few more months then they'll take me off of it so I can get sick again just to prove once again I need my ovary removed and Endo removal 🙃
Reposted byAvatar Freck
Still thinking about how fucking bizarre it was to have it explained to me this morning why this is necessary for puppies but it would be wrong (“cruel” was the word they used) for human infants 🙃🥚
There are considerably more stringent laws mandating the length of time newborn puppies are to spend with their parents before separating them for #adoption than there are for human beings.
Reposted byAvatar Freck
Just updating the few people who have cared about our son for years. He's moving less and less which means he's feeling worse. Bloodwork tomorrow hopefully, I have an appt 3 towns away so gonna be a squeeze. Get to beg for an oophorectomy again
Reposted byAvatar Freck
Some of you may not know me, but I'm a disabled aspiring artist. I cut the fingers off my dominant hand and then taught myself to draw. I love my dog more than any human. Dry alcoholic. 37years old. Usually depressed but still moving.
Reposted byAvatar Freck
People are baffled by the idea that actually, people *rarely* relinquish their children for #adoption because they do not want to keep them. Instead, people tell me that adoptees were either orphaned or abused or unwanted by their natal parents. This is ignorance bred by a century of propaganda.
Reposted byAvatar Freck
Leroy is having more pain in his legs. Fever is up and down. So he's gonna have to have the blood work and urine done this week. Just sucks
Feels like most people are too busy ignoring reality to care
Reposted byAvatar Freck
$525 ROOM RENT URGENT - MGR DOUBLE BOOKED THEN GAVE HER TIL 6 PM EDT TO PAY OR GET OUT. Disabled single mom, disabled kid, elderly support cat. They 've been there since the van died. No way to even carry their stuff. Any ppl x any $$ = $525 RN. Pls RS/QS. Pls do what you can. #HelpFolksLive2024
Hi, I have an emergency, my account is rate limited on the bird app, we didn't make daily rent and I have until 6p to pay $525 for a week or we'll be kicked out, please please help my child, anything helps. #helpsky #mutualaid #urgent #emergencycrowdfund pp+ca+v: becatherined