
New Yorkers logging on to be cringe, make it stop.
Are we having bagel discourse again?
Worse. People who know nothing about how the federal government works.
Oh jeez. People in Washington have enough trouble understanding how it works. 😂
The difference between Washington and DC is a difference that matters but people outside the govt are almost without exception, so absent the concept of selfless service. Among the rare media people who actually has good sources and a clue is Ellen Nakashima.
She is an outstanding reporter. Knows her beat, has good sources and doesn't seem to have an exaggerated sense of her own importance. For a Poastie that's exceptional. I'm not sure it even exists at the NYT.
WaPo doesn't even know how lucky they are. NYT has no clue how anything federal works. Even before they declared war on the president I didn't trust them for a lot things involving the Executive Branch.