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Here for I don't even know
No supporters of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact.
Hate symbols in bio get autoblocked on sight
Avatar Har du nån koll på hur arrende funkar i Sverige, på bondgård? Bondgården som omringar var mina föräldrar bor på sommaren ägs av nån rik kvinna som köpte ut bonden för ett tag sen. Hon arrenderar sen ut till nån som driver jordbruk och betalar henne.
If you ever want a notion of how different things work, take yoga with a Black instructor who came up in the culture vs a white instructor. The namaste is an aloud response at the end of class. All forms of worship are legitimate.
After trivia tonight I ended up at Trade, as I often do, and spent a lot of time talking to guys from the leather pool party fundraiser. It was great, I felt good with them, sort of hunters in the same quarry but also introductions and magic of happenstance.
I paid someone $20 to punch a friend in the balls. Worth it.
You could just, mind your business? I know this concept is difficult, especially for straight people, which is why we had to have Lawrence v Texas, but maybe people could try it.
New Yorkers logging on to be cringe, make it stop.
Cloudflare's post announcing this new AI bot-blocking option reports that the highest-volume bot it's seen is Bytespider, owned by TikTok's parent firm ByteDance, which it recorded crawling 40.4% of Cloudflare-protected sites. OpenAI's GPTBot came in second, at 35.46%.
It would be good for the country if everyone mocked Sulzberger so hard that it was the only response to everything his paper printed. Like that mommy milky tweet but about how this dweeb thinks he's a baron
The NATO summit will fuck up all the commute routes, weird my employer hasn't said anything about it yet.
Last day in the office before July 4th
Dunno who needs to know this, but great tits will eat your brains
Apparently the far left is claiming they're coalescing around Harris as a replacement and y'all this is the fakest news of the year.
Someone scheduled a meeting with me, with no heads up this morning, right when I come in. I declined. Come on, it's a day before the biggest holiday of the summer, fuck all the way off.
Back to my regularly scheduled concern during Hurricane season.
When I block people I usually put them on one of two lists. One's sort of generic you're awful and the other one is Tankies and other trash. I haven't got the regex to work as well as I'd like. Then there are the people I just block outright. Those people aren't even worth a list.
Having watched a big acct horribly dunk on a mutual then reply to everyone who dunked on the original poster and trying to white knight, yet keep his QT up for the likes is too much. Have some fucking decency and delete your nasty QT.
I'm trying to finish Upload but it gets ever more dystopian.
Every single account on here bar maybe a couple accounts over 1K are absolutely fucking awful and deeply afflicted with Poaster's Madness. As each one goes above 1K they get exponentially more crazy.
SJ wants, at a minimum, 300 SEK for a 1.5-2h 0 & 1 nonrefundable transfer ticket for 2nd class to Stockholm. The bus offers 300 SEK for 2h and first class refundable. Hard to resist the bus. SJ's inability to predictably release tickets more than 30 days in advance is just...
I think the most Maryland person would prob be eating something with Old Bay on it while making an illegal left turn on Connecticut Ave during rush hour from the far-right lane across three lanes of traffic to go the wrong way up a one-way street in a car on one wheel, two rims, and a skateboard.
I have significant disagreements with the weighting here (e.g., no one deserves 6 points of credit for putting it on srimps) but anyway my score was 55
A group of us have this sports season ticket where we each take a number of tickets and games and I SWTG if the clown who manages it cannot answer simple questions or stop doing light fraud I'm going to go full on Serial Mom. No, you don't get to gatekeep all the benefits bc it's in your name.
I see Padma L is still insufferable as all get out.
Senior manager "THERE HAVE BEEN COMPLAINTS ABOUT NOT MEETING THE 50% TELEWORK POLICY". MFer you're so addled you don't even remember it's a 50% in office and I dare you to pull the badges and you'll be the first one skipping out early. Yes, I will happily tell him so in front of everyone.
Coworker who hasn't shared any goddamn details on project he's working on except whining has now forced me to intercede in a contract matter and now he will suffer.
Oh yeah Thanksgiving in Madrid sounds like it could be fun.
go into your photo roll or whatever and post the first image that makes you laugh literally out loud
go into your photo roll or whatever and post the first image that makes you laugh literally out loud
The Q Street Barbie Pond gets the vibes for this July 4.
Someone at the gym has been arranging the apparatus to resemble a dick & balls and I'm deeply angry that I didn't think of that before him. He has the ✨vision✨
I look forward to everyone's googling of other countries' immigration policies and realizing how expensive and difficult they are.
See now this is what the "Make America Great Again" slogan should have been used for, to get drugs back in the soda.
Everyone knows Coca-Cola used to contain cocaine, but people don't talk as much about how 7 Up used to contain lithium as a mood stabiliser.