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There was a streamer here. Theyโ€™re gone now. | Disabled/invisible illness | he/they | huge tabletop nerd | proud cat dad
Iโ€™m so tired of delivery drivers not checking the address and delivering things to the wrong place. Itโ€™s happened so many times at this house and I canโ€™t easily go check our neighbors for things. Itโ€™s so frustrating, especially with perishables!
Iโ€™ve finished Dawntrail! What an enjoyable summer vacation ๐Ÿ˜
Starting tomorrow I will be on hiatus here until I have finished Dawntrailโ€™s main story. I hope all of you joining in on the early access have a wonderful time! I will post zero spoilers here afterwards, so no need to worry about them coming from me in a weekโ€™s time ๐Ÿ˜Š
First day of getting to play Shadow of the Erdtree! No spoilers herein. I love it so far! Great new content, so excited to continue exploring it with my co-op buddy ๐Ÿ˜Š. I can tell this is gonna occupy us for quite some time!
I guess my break from twitter is happening a little earlier than expected; was going to avoid it when Dawntrail released but people are already trying to spoil the Elden Ring expansion as fast as possible ๐Ÿ™„
This is such a good meme template that it inspired me to make my own
These might be my new favorite pictures of Stryx โค๏ธ
Well shit. My catโ€™s anxiety medication, Gabapentin, is becoming a controlled substance, so I no longer can have it delivered. Never mind that two years ago I was getting 480 pills of it at 400mg every three months in the mail for nerve pain ๐Ÿ™„. I hate the anti drug shit here
You should never need to hit zero this many times to reach an actual person
Antibiotics feel like magic. Iโ€™ve only had two doses and Iโ€™m already feeling significantly better!
Well friendos, turns out I have a UTI and a fever. No wonder I feel bad! Also found out that my home thermometer is busted; at the doctors I read 101.3 and at home itโ€™s saying 97.5 for both me and my partner. I still feel like garbage but I have validation for feeling like garbage which helps
I donโ€™t know if itโ€™s because Iโ€™m still recovering from hernia surgery or getting older or what, but the last two times Ive not gotten enough sleep has absolutely wrecked me by the end of the day. Hope that changes as itโ€™s a semi regular occurrence with my back pain ๐Ÿ˜ž
While I donโ€™t play Destiny anymore due to multiple factors, Iโ€™m glad yโ€™all are getting such a hype ending to the saga. It sounds like they pulled off an Endwalker moment, and thatโ€™s real impressive!
Gosh it sure would be nice if walking to the mailbox and back didnโ€™t completely wind me and make my back hurt so much :/. Real frustrating how limited I am these days
โ€œThere is a level of humility that insults the intelligence of the one who compliments you.โ€ I love this bit of dialogue so, so much. From Super Supportive, my current favorite webnovel and possibly novel period
I finished SKALD: Beyond the Black Priory yesterday. What a joy that game was! I loved every minute of it, and now I really have the craving to go play more old CRPGs ๐Ÿ˜
Happy pride everyone! ๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€๐ŸŒˆ While I present as cis het male both physically and relationship-wise, Iโ€™m internally a bisexual, with nonbinary for gender. My pronouns are he/they ๐Ÿ˜Š
Speaking of ARPG seasonal hierarchy, hereโ€™s my current ranking of the ones I play: 1) Path of Exile 2) Torchlight Infinite 3) Diablo 4 4) Undecember Iโ€™m not including Last Epoch yet as July will be their first season, and Median is off the table for now since Iโ€™m tired of emulating a mouse for D2
Finished up act 11 in Undecember tonight. While the overall experience fell flat due to middling voice acting and some poor translation, what they aimed to achieve with it story-wise was impressive! Definitely an improvement over the base gameโ€™s story. 1/2
Stryx wishes everyone a happy Saturday night ๐Ÿ˜Šโค๏ธ
Was reminded of one my favorite tabletop roleplaying campaigns today, where we played long enough to end up with us all having multiple characters. We even commissioned art for it and it turned out beautifully ๐Ÿ˜
Skald: the Black Priory continues to be an absolute delight. Iโ€™m about five hours in? My party has grown to four (could be more if I made more custom characters ), and Iโ€™m loving it! , I think you in particular would find it a joy, going off what Iโ€™ve seen of your gaming tastes ๐Ÿ˜