
As someone who spent so many weekends in the library looking for new books to read or doing my studies or just needing somewhere quiet to escape — if I’d seen this as a kid or even as a high schooler it probably would have devastated me and that’s not hyperbole or exaggeration
This is one of the most dystopian signs I've ever seen. Republicans are quickly turning this country into an unrecognizable freakshow.
When you grow up poor, sometimes the library is your only option for entertainment. To take that away feels cruel and horrible Fascism isn’t just “arriving”. It’s been here — but most of us who can see past our own faces already know/knew this. Hell, for some of us, our parents & grands knew it too
I lived without internet for an entire summer and then some thanks to poverty. The library was essentially how I remained connected to the outside world and friends + got school work done. Seeing this kills me
Hard same. On everything. For longer than a summer!