
As someone who spent so many weekends in the library looking for new books to read or doing my studies or just needing somewhere quiet to escape — if I’d seen this as a kid or even as a high schooler it probably would have devastated me and that’s not hyperbole or exaggeration
This is one of the most dystopian signs I've ever seen. Republicans are quickly turning this country into an unrecognizable freakshow.
When you grow up poor, sometimes the library is your only option for entertainment. To take that away feels cruel and horrible Fascism isn’t just “arriving”. It’s been here — but most of us who can see past our own faces already know/knew this. Hell, for some of us, our parents & grands knew it too
I lived without internet for an entire summer and then some thanks to poverty. The library was essentially how I remained connected to the outside world and friends + got school work done. Seeing this kills me
Hard same. On everything. For longer than a summer!
I LIVED at the library when I was a kid, it was a place I could go without asking permission from my parents first (much less strangers)
When I was young they would have these reading times where Parents would just drop their kids off and let them quietly read... I'm so old... To think you could leave your kids to read!
Grew up poor close to the beach. Single parent, no money. Beach and the library was the entirety of my summer entertainment while mom worked multiple hustles to keep us barely fed. I was so not alone.
I would have burst into tears. Sure I went with a parent usually, but not always, and like. The librarians were familiar faces and I would NOT want them to get in trouble for what I was reading.
as somebody who was a huge nerd but hung out with all of the "bad kids" and was constantly getting expelled, I think I would have epoxied a big "NO THINKING ALLOWED" plaque over all that fascist nonsense.
I went to the library after school with my 2 best friends almost every day. We met our other friends to play D&D or laugh at the teen romance novels. It was a safe place where we pretended to be grown up while still under the careful eyes of the librarians. These culture warriors suck.
I am retired and have time. My response to posts like this is to call the governors office/state legislature/etc. before I even move on to the next post. This call I got as far as “Has there even been a problem with children and pornographic material?” - and then I was forwarded to voicemail.
Well. Got a call back. Q- what about sign? A-Local library discretion Q-How is porn defined? A-read the statute Me-I have, it’s vague ‘Our governor want to protect children from porn’ When he found out I was not an Idahoan, he dismissed me. Ryan at the gov’s office would love to hear from you😉
It Can’t Happen Here by Sinclair Lewis
this is a great trick to get kids into reading. now that weed is legal no one bothers to smoke it anymore, so they make books illegal so now all the badass and cool kids will be into books, hanging in the woods outside school during lunch hour reading forbidden texts about science.
As always, some states are simply best left avoided... 🤪🇺🇸😂