
Old gag comics are like WINTERFORD: Margarine, can you fetch me ‘pon news paper? I must know the affairs. MARGARINE: Wot am I, a dog to you? Oh that Winterford really steams my flower bed! And then the last panel is her like shooting him in the face saying “Is this a-fair enough for ya?”
Fr love when OLD comics have a punchline that's completely incomprehensible. Like an ancient joke that's been lost to time
SIR GUNTHER: And how, dear Maximillion, was the pauper's circus? MAXIMILLION: Pah!-- Hardly a couponeer's soiree! MAXIMILLION (while Sir Gunther flies backwards out of panel): I hardly counted not five corn rows!
Fun fact the oldest joke ever found ( it's about 4000 years old) is incomprehensible our best translation of the ancient sumerian is "A dog walks into a bar and says, ‘I cannot see a thing. I’ll open this one.’” probably killed in Ur.
What makes the world’s first bar joke funny? No one A 4,000-year-old Sumerian proverb about a dog that walks into a tavern has left scholars and thousands of online commenters scratching their heads. The joke’s meaning has been lost, but finding it cou...
i think what i love about it is amongst the weird linguistic arguments about it one of the competing theories is that one of the oldest jokes ever told is basically a sex joke and the gag involves brothels in the back of bars
Yeah I love that we can see the form of a joke here we know it's a joke because there's an ineffable jokeness to it but we don't have the context of why it's funny. It's the same thing reading Shakespeare annotated and discovering it's actually 50% nob gags.
Our grandkids in 50 years lookingat our memes