its jae

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its jae

Personality: John has a positive outlook on almost everything, he has a laid-back attitude but has developed more of a sereus edge sense the war started.

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If I was in Biden's shoes I'd be like whose shoes are these? I don't wear these. Wh-- these are like loafers these are like old man shoes like what the fuck. Where the fuck am I
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stupid gay boyfriend
Having to write all the stuff they're training the new A.I. models is tough work. Today I had to teach it how to sound like a John Updike novel. Tomorrow I will teach it how to love. And then after that we're buckling down for the erotic Power Rangers fanfiction coursework.
HER: I need me a six foot two abusive mommy gf fr fr I’m painting the inside of my Polly pockets thinking about puppy trainer clicker-on-the-carabiner 9-to-5 career women gaslighting me that she didn’t even leave me in the cage that long on god. HIM: (DMing) hey you dont actually believe that do you
Yeah I’m white-passing. I mean yeah I’m white but I pass as it too.
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Old gag comics are like WINTERFORD: Margarine, can you fetch me ‘pon news paper? I must know the affairs. MARGARINE: Wot am I, a dog to you? Oh that Winterford really steams my flower bed! And then the last panel is her like shooting him in the face saying “Is this a-fair enough for ya?”
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I made Saturn stickers with holo glitter accents! We’re about halfway through right now go get some girls :3
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nothing has replaced the special twitter feeling of seeing a rando retweet a shitpost you forgot you made six years ago about a magazine profile of a grown-up Weevil Underwood from Yu-Gi-Oh who is "pretty hot now," being momentarily confused, then seeing just "I LOVE WEEVIL UNDERWOOD 🫶" in their bio
They make shows of anything now
Found the evil emo dark & twisted overdesigned sparkledog with too much lore tradition is being kept alive by Bluey kids… you guys have to promise to be nice to them after what I show you because this shit rules
And although we may only see each other in passing, we know that we shall keep each other in our Mutuals, and like each others posts in time
It finally clicked… I like “Taking Back Sunday” and “My Chemical Romance” now images-
Elden Ring is like a Fromsoft vaccine it remapped my immune system so now I’m actually playing and getting pissed off at Bloodborne a normal amount.
POV your Disney “superfan” BDSM roleplay partner asks you to be her keyholder
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early 2000s posting was trying to get this species of forum guy to kill themselves
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this is a good thread but i disagree with its conclusions but i think thats cuz i move in the opposite direction: accepting that many artists are not just flawed but oftentimes awful people, && that access to power through the creation of art creates the raw potentiality for abuse. pic related
When someone talks about whether you can separate someone from their work, I know the someone they’re talking about is a white man. Marginalized creators (including young women who are that man’s victims) are never allowed to have their work considered apart from their marginalization.
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connie 🇨🇳🏴‍☠️🇯🇵@JOI.speed.wag.on Reminder that Bluesky is also the “Bad Place” until it fixes its acephobia and exorsexist problems by finally banning my five most annoying mutuals
Joy Rathers So, apparently over at The Bad Place, they’ve started a thing called “Dox Points” and the more you accrue the bigger the account you can have doxed. Muskrat is OFFICIALLY mask off! Here’s a screenshot of something violently racist from a 1500 bluecheck account.
Joy Rathers So, apparently over at The Bad Place, they’ve started a thing called “Dox Points” and the more you accrue the bigger the account you can have doxed. Muskrat is OFFICIALLY mask off! Here’s a screenshot of something violently racist from a 1500 bluecheck account.
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This animation of rambley getting his guts cumflated is more passionately animated than anything Disney-Pixar has made in like 14 years
I know his ass would’ve killed it in couples therapy
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It probably feels good as hell to puke in one of those punch bowls. Like the kind they have at prom in a movie & someone either spikes it or like in a horror movie the chemical gets in it or like someone’s gets knocked into the table with it & tips it all over. Real satisfying contained splatter
Their Suspicious Palestinian Gofundmes vs Our Glorious “Help Me Escape an Abusive Home!” Ko-Fi Links
For July 4th we did a Regal themed burger bar and most importantly managed to subject a crowd of people to three of the Fiedberg/Seltzer parody movies over the course of the whole day
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ME: (doing a voice like the Joker Beatboxing guy) I’m da HIPAA Violator Ahehehee! Give me all your personally identifiable healthcare info!! (now I’m doing a Triumph voice but with a French accent for some reason) for me to poop on! MY COMPUTER RECEIVING SO MANY HR EMAILS IT FREEZES: dingdingdiNGDIN
Woke up in a mysterious dungeon ready to go on a fantastical adventure but it’s an isekai dungeon so all the monsters just wanna suck me off
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