
Their Suspicious Palestinian Gofundmes vs Our Glorious “Help Me Escape an Abusive Home!” Ko-Fi Links
IMO you should vet or trust people to vet fundraising efforts writ large as it is simply the way of the world we live in but it is absolutely bonkers to be saying that now when it’s standing on a decade of “poor people deserve nice things too” and techies doing GFMs between 6 figure job offers
my boss is literally my abuser for asking me to work (i'm ADHD), please help me get away from him. i know times are tough but anything you can spare is gratefully appreciated
I recently lost my job for bullshit reasons (drove a car through my coworkers living room when she totally friendzo— gaslit me, I mean) and I’ve been having trouble finding new work due to not applying for anything. I don’t have roommates so it’s hard to make rent on my 3 bedroom single family home.