
as much as i think that debate was bad for biden i also find myself contemptuous of the assorted libs having a full blown panic attack
I have been using words which are much less kind about them. It's a disgraceful spectacle.
It's like they've never seen an election before. Elections are close and scary sometimes! Grow up! This kind of public bed wetting just makes you (and the candidate) look weak. Don't do it.
He is weak, and no amount of posturing is gonna change that. I'm probably older than you.
I mean "weak" is a relative (and subjective) thing. You could imagine a better candidate, sure. But you don't get to make your imaginary candidate magically appear. And if Biden is "weak" his opponent is dramatically weaker.
He was a weak candidate in 2020, but Trump was so self-evidently awful that people rightly chose a return to normalcy. A single Biden term makes sense. Biden is imho mostly good on policy. But policy is only one factor in elections. Nobody wants to ride a bus whose wheels are visibly coming off.
Nobody wants to ride a bus that is literally on fire and the seats are made of knives and also the knives are poison, either. If we're doing bus metaphors, one of the buses is clearly preferable.
If the bus breaks down, we have an extra bus available. Call it the Vice Bus, I guess. There are procedures in place and lots of people who know what they're doing.
But yeah, in the end I just don't buy any of it. Biden is old, period. He was old a year ago and will be old a year from now. It is what it is. He's not senile and the "wheels are not coming off". It's all just bullshit that's either defeatist or in bad faith.
He's not senile but he's putting out dementia vibes, whether you like it or not. I have a parent of the same age who's in a nursing home and this is how she was a year ago.
That's probably why Trump is avoiding a VP pick. Because he knows Kamala Harris is a better backup than any piece of shit who will take him
Oh please, Kamala Harris has the charisma and warmth of a breeze block. I've met her, followed her career for 25 years (I live in the Bay Area), greatly admire her forensic skills and thought she made a very fine senator, but she cannot win a Presidential campaign.
Wow, so you want a complete dump of the existing set of electeds in favor of people who couldn't even bother running in the primaries? Hmmmm.....
Serious contenders don't want to rock the boat with an incumbent and would naturally prefer to wait for the next election cycle. Then again, incumbents don't usually implode on TV as Biden this evening. Harris unfortunately doesn't have campaign juice; didn't even make it to primaries in 2020.
"implode on tv" Holy shit the hysterics. The dude needed a lozenge and y'all want to throw out the whole administration. Serious contenders understood the stakes. And throwing out the most progressive administration in modern history is such an absurd overreaction.
Not supporting Biden's candidacy =/= voting for Trump. The best way to oppose Trump is to run a candidate that has a steady pulse. This was true last year and is even more true now.
Not supporting Biden is arithmetically equivalent to giving one half of your vote to Biden, and one half of your vote to Trump.
It's amazing how many of y'all don't know how to subtract.
I'm not saying 'don't vote for him in the general,' of course I don't want Trump in office. I think Democrats should have an open convention because despite Biden's virtues he's no longer viable. This might not matter if Harris was charismatic and popular, but that's not the case.
Why, yes. They could nominate Hubert Humphrey.
I don't think Harris is remotely viable, and wish she had stayed in the Senate (a job she was perfectly suited for). Newsom or Pritzker are though.