
as much as i think that debate was bad for biden i also find myself contemptuous of the assorted libs having a full blown panic attack
I have been using words which are much less kind about them. It's a disgraceful spectacle.
It's like they've never seen an election before. Elections are close and scary sometimes! Grow up! This kind of public bed wetting just makes you (and the candidate) look weak. Don't do it.
He is weak, and no amount of posturing is gonna change that. I'm probably older than you.
I mean "weak" is a relative (and subjective) thing. You could imagine a better candidate, sure. But you don't get to make your imaginary candidate magically appear. And if Biden is "weak" his opponent is dramatically weaker.
The point is that the situation is what it is; the relevant decisions were made years ago. Now we have to deal with the election we have not the election we want. And we all KNOW what needs to be done, we just need to do it.
And yes, a part of what we need to do, collectively, is not put weak and defeatist energy out there where people can see it. A lot of Democrats, professional and otherwise, are failing that very simple task this evening.
I don't think we do all know what needs to be done. I wish that RNG had retired earlier. Also, why do we accept campaigns getting so long? I am not saying Biden should bow out, but most other countries would be able to work out a replacement in 4mo.
Why Are U.S. Elections So Much Longer Than Other Countries'? U.S. election campaigns are insanely long when you compare them to other countries'.
i feel similarly but about very difficult to solve thorny international situations
He was a weak candidate in 2020, but Trump was so self-evidently awful that people rightly chose a return to normalcy. A single Biden term makes sense. Biden is imho mostly good on policy. But policy is only one factor in elections. Nobody wants to ride a bus whose wheels are visibly coming off.
Nobody wants to ride a bus that is literally on fire and the seats are made of knives and also the knives are poison, either. If we're doing bus metaphors, one of the buses is clearly preferable.
If he was such a weak candidate in 2020, why did he beat all his primary challengers?
Well, he was having an issue with his voice. That’s different.
A close election. Against a literally demented felon. In this context, this take doesn't make you look like the savvy sage you think you are.
I don't get the argument here. If you're saying this election is MORE important than usual (something which I agree with!) then it's all the MORE important not to collectively look like a bunch of cringing cowards sprinting away from the candidate whom we NEED to win this thing.
People need to fucking suck it up and act like they've been here before, is what I'm saying. This isn't a game.
This exactly! Like I know why my side is like this, I know to expect it—we have been here almost exactly before after Obama’s 2nd debate—but it’s still just beyond maddening how bad this is today. No one is helped by it. Quite the opposite!
Also foolish. Spin is what matters and it's not hard to spin Biden's performance. He's a mumbly old man who was right on substance, Trump is a convicted felon, an insurrectionist, and a drooling, senile fascist who wants a national abortion ban.
This is what’s driving me nuts. Why the hell are all the “Democratic thought leaders” taking turns kicking the Democratic candidate instead of busting their asses spinning like they should be?!? Why are they doing the Trump campaign’s job for them?
making me sick waking up to people talking like this rather than acknowledging reality and doing everything to replace him. He lost soooo many Democrats' votes last night. It's over. Don't stay in the fiery building.
Oh please. Anyone who changed their vote based on this has a brain of tapioca pudding and will change their vote back based on their horoscope before November.
It's actually very smart serious people who are horrified by what's occurred. You don't have to agree but it's not just morons. The people circling the wagons this morning look more like the tapioca swuad. We haven't even had the convention yet, thank god.
No "very smart person" is changing their vote based on this, by definition. Spineless Chicken Littles are going to be the death of the Democrats and possibly the country.
The problem with Biden is his weakness and they are just making him look weaker still.
If only they understood this part they would've finished freaking out about it months ago
Yeah, you insisted we run the shit sandwich, now we’re stuck with the shit sandwich, better get chomping or you’re not gonna sell many
I mean, I didn’t, I wanted Bernie
Oh, sorry, I didn’t mean you you
Well, because it is, and its pathetic
It’s not how you win elections.
Nominating octogenarians is also not how you win elections.
Democrats and their attendant operatives have never missed an opportunity to panic
It feeds the "anxious insecure policy weirdos have their worst fears fed; brash assholes feel vindicated in a vague bug satisfying way" that is like 80% of politics discourse. The remaining 20% is "brash assholes don't actually mean the asshole-ish shit they say"
I know it was a typo, but I prefer to believe you intended to say that brash assholes only satisfy bugs.
To every “Democratic strategist” rushing to WaPo, MSNBC etc. to anonymously say Biden should be replaced: you are worse than useless and you suck at your job. Trashing the candidate to the media is feckless and, dare I say, an absurdly stupid strategy for Democrats. STFU.
It’s Mark Penn, isn’t it.
I panic all the time over everything, so it's not personal or anything.
Same. They really expect a neurodivergent on disability to remain calm? Yah no.
It’s ok for the electorate to panic. What’s NOT ok is for the people with power in the Democratic Party to set everything on fire and watch it all burn behind the comfort of anonymous quotes. They should be on TV gaslighting the shit out of us or pivoting to Trump’s performance.
Yup they should be talking up Biden or tearing up Trump’s lies.
it's just pathetic. Democracy is at existential risk, hold the god damn line! The tack Newsom took was great.
It's also unhelpful and probably unhealthy
Just wait until he has a reasonable performance in the next debate and they are all acting like someone else said that stuff.
When you see the ship is headed for the iceberg, sometimes maybe it’s okay to panic a little.