
Pride BEGAN during a time of anti-sodomy laws. The first Pride was a riot against those laws. Pride is celebrated around the world in places where it is much more dangerous to be queer than here. Pride is not dependent on being ALLOWED to be who we are, it’s a promise that we WILL be no matter what
I hope we all enjoyed our last Pride month in the US. Project 2025 will put an end to it
And it frustrates me that so many people seem resigned to the notion that these malevolent assholes are just going to go ahead and do all the stuff they say they want to do in their little "project". Sure, they'd like that. But a lot of people are going to have things to say about it!
People seem EAGER to ascribe supernatural levels of competence to the people who are our enemies. Nothing in their history suggests that's accurate. They have just as many total fuck-ups as our side does lol. They can be beaten. Now beat them!
(I am honored and humbled that my trans folk are reskeeting. I try to fight the good fight, if only by yelling at people.)
I just feel like we're all living in a Coen brothers screenplay sometimes
Project 2025 is still very dangerous because there is a chance of the most dangerous parts of it passing. The Republicans have a Supreme Court stacked in their favor. They can do it. But this isn't cause for doomerism, it's cause to fight harder. The harder they push, the harder we fight back.