
Pride BEGAN during a time of anti-sodomy laws. The first Pride was a riot against those laws. Pride is celebrated around the world in places where it is much more dangerous to be queer than here. Pride is not dependent on being ALLOWED to be who we are, it’s a promise that we WILL be no matter what
I hope we all enjoyed our last Pride month in the US. Project 2025 will put an end to it
We're here. We're queer. We will MAKE them get used to it.
They'll never take our Pride from us.
Legality is not an impediment to what is moral and correct.
i may be slow in coming out of the closet but every step forward is MY choice and i fully intend to die before taking one step back into it
Hell yeah! I'm not about to hide who I am just because some old white men are uncomfortable with who I am. I feel like doing so would be a betrayal and disservice to those who paved this path before me, to my partners, and to myself.
the doomerism of ppl about project 2025 and the woe is me attitude meanwhile red southern states have been conservatively project 2025 for a long time and have some of the coolest pride events I've seen. Laws don't make a difference in states w governers who will straight up ignore federal rulings
like gov Sarah of Arkansas straight up saying she will ignore title IX rulings from feds. They dont care. And lgbt ppl have still lived and thrived here. ppl Do Not Understand that we will protect eachother.
And it frustrates me that so many people seem resigned to the notion that these malevolent assholes are just going to go ahead and do all the stuff they say they want to do in their little "project". Sure, they'd like that. But a lot of people are going to have things to say about it!
People seem EAGER to ascribe supernatural levels of competence to the people who are our enemies. Nothing in their history suggests that's accurate. They have just as many total fuck-ups as our side does lol. They can be beaten. Now beat them!
(I am honored and humbled that my trans folk are reskeeting. I try to fight the good fight, if only by yelling at people.)
I just feel like we're all living in a Coen brothers screenplay sometimes
Project 2025 is still very dangerous because there is a chance of the most dangerous parts of it passing. The Republicans have a Supreme Court stacked in their favor. They can do it. But this isn't cause for doomerism, it's cause to fight harder. The harder they push, the harder we fight back.
Hell, that's why it's Pride and not just Queer Parade.
Pride as a polite corporate dance party with cops just died. There’s plenty to be upset about, but not that.
If somebody told me there weren't going to be cops at Pride anymore, I'd jump for joy.
Silence is not an option for me. I walked others home from Cleveland bars with OUR baseball bats, because the kids from Parma would come up 12 to a station-wagon to "kill a couple queers" as their weekend entertainment. Police did nothing, so we had to ourselves. In many ways, we're still there.
Trump is not worse than 1989, the year I came out. I couldn’t believe pride was even legal my first time. We patrolled Montrose on foot after the Broussard bashing & protested the RNC while AIDS patients died. We didn’t get here by being ALLOWED to! Break a law sometime jfc
Too many people seem to think “be gay, do crimes” is just a catchy slogan.
This was the last Pride Parade for a bit. Now it is back to a march.
I mean if they say "it's illegal to march now" are you going to stop marching? If not then it's not the last Pride.
Exactly, protests have been effectively illegal for as long as they’ve existed, but we still do them anyway
I'll never walk in a Pride parade, but if somebody so much as lifts a fingers to deprive someone else of the chance to do so, I'll be prepared to introduce him to life with nine fingers. If he comes crying that's a threat, he should man up. My cousin's husband has nine fingers and is awesome.
I've volunteered as a security escort for Chicago's Pride for decades. And I'm as straight as they go. But doing a minorly annoying job to give so many people their chance to shine is worth all the blisters and long bus rerouted. I don't intend to change a damn thing
oh hell yes, i love your username & the band shirt you’re wearing in your pfp
"But the brunch won't be so accessible" - queers who have never been denied a single thing, I swear.
I guess we'll see if permits are issued. And if we march anyway, the cops will welcome us.
As a heavy guy with a decent resume, I guess I'll just wait for the Mattachine society to return. Pride has never been for squares like me. Even if we are queer as a three dollar bill. College being about useful shit gets me branded a 'techbro' despite owning $0 crypto.
Now is the time yo go bcm to traditional pride.
There was at least one person on each platform I posted this on that were very surprised to learn this history.
Harpo is Proud of the New