
It's freaking wild that THAT'S the headline when it's so obviously a one hundred percent false statement, and when we JUST litigated this very question when we had a lawless president. The answer is really simple and it's not a mystery!
Basically, you have a president who's comatose? Totally incapacitated a la Woodrow Wilson? Everybody can get together and do 25th Amendment. Fine. If you've got a president you have concerns about but who isn't interested in quitting? Nope. You can try to impeach them if you want!
And of course we've recently seen that impeachment itself is a dead letter; it's impossible to get sixty votes to remove a president no matter WHAT they've done. Well, removal through the 25th is HARDER than that, so...
This headline imagines a fantasy world where there is a broad consensus across the political spectrum that Joe Biden is utterly enfeebled and everybody knows it but him. If this consensus or anything like it existed, the last week on the internet would have been A LOT LESS SHOUTY, shall we say.