
I’m starting to think the DSA does not have our best interests at heart
Might it be because the DNC doesn’t have their best interests at heart?
If the DNC is trying to elect Biden & the DSA is trying to prevent that, well, I know who is advancing my interests and those of 90% of Americans
Yeah I get that. But it’s true that the DNC isn’t advancing the DSA’s interests right? Like almost none. So why wouldn’t they act in a way that they thinks promotes their interests? I’m not really with them but I do think what they are threatening is logical.
What dsa interests aren’t being advanced?
Right? One would think "not being put up against the wall by brownshirt gangs" would be a core goal of any self-respecting socialist! By all means let the DNC protect you!
I think that’s bad logic. Having people attack you is a good way of getting new recruits. You need an enemy to be really successful
Ah. As an organization, maybe. But if I belonged to that organization as an individual I'd, you know, rather not get shot.
Okay wait I just actually read all through this and I realize that the OP is honestly just using "DNC" to refer to the Democratic National Convention, not to, you know the actual DNC. So a standard Know-Nothing Politics Blowhard move and we've already thought too much about it!
They really are just thinking of grainy footage of 1968 and thinking it looks like a dream of vigorous youth activism and incipient revolution, rather than what it was -- an abject disaster for both liberals AND the American left such as it was.
In a real sense the American left NEVER recovered from it. And neither did Great Society liberalism, though it was already on its deathbed I guess.
It’s an issue between treating a DNC apparatus that isn’t progressive enough for you as an obstacle to be overcome instead of a stepping stone to your goals.
I’d say it’s pretty natural for some to think things are not changing for the better fast enough and thus a more radical approach is required. Yes there is a fair bit of naivate in that view but at the same time it’s understandable.
Oh of course! We've all been there. I'm just saying Chicago '68 is NOT a blueprint anyone should look to.