
the fascists believe that they can tear up american democracy at the roots and after we'll all have to fall in line "because it's the law." but the power of the law is a function of the legitimacy of the law. the state's monopoly on force is posterior to the people's adherence to the state!
Yeah. A lot of people both favorable to and extremely frightened of the current far right just sort of fail to grasp all of this. "It will be the law and thus it will be so." Everybody needs a remedial political theory refresher.
a lot of people who post lots of extremely exciting slogans that i do agree with in fact ( random example, “no person is illegal”) do seem to very literally believe that if Republicans in government try to harm marginalized people we will just curl up and die
like people who think america is going to have death camps on January 21, 2025 if Trump is reelected so they have to preemptively flee are putting a lot of faith in the idea of… well a lot of things
People who think the Supreme Court granted the president the power to kill random citizens with impunity. It's an incredibly bad ruling that's wrong on the merits! But "the threat of criminal prosecution" is NOT what keeps your typical president from drone-striking his personal enemies.
If you elect someone lawless, the fact that the LAW is bad is the least of your worries, is I guess what I'm saying.
To illustrate even more bluntly, I saw MULTIPLE posts over on my Normie Lib Facebook Feed deploying Holocaust imagery and saying "this was an official act" or whatever. Which...come on, man. Leaving aside the absolutely abysmal-to-offensive taste of such a post, that's...that's not how it went down.
Were you under the impression that the Holocaust was LEGAL? It was the expression of raw force, conducted under wartime conditions of total lawlessness.
Ha, flipped back over to FB for two seconds and found another. (Not Shoah-based this time thank fuck.) It's the Mafia! And don't people get that those guys tend to KNOW they're breaking the law?
Ha, yikes. And yeah, you're right to post the Snopes link because I totally WOULD have yelled "fake"! But I'd have been wrong. Young Republicans are gonna Young Republican. And yeah, some of 'em grow up and get real power.
Right? But the reality is that it is only *they* who have to post fake shit about us to message. But if *we* just post real shit about *them*, it looks too batshit to be real.
It's not even batshit though, except in the sense that it's Gorsuch, who later became famous! Young conservative doing the yearbook equivalent of shitposting like a supervillain is completely vanilla and par for the course. Those people are everywhere.
Just as (to get a little more grim) it's only remarkable that Christine Blasey Ford was assaulted and traumatized at a high school party because one of the dudes doing it was Kavanaugh.
True that, sadly. But then: People deny it, right? Most efficient way to resolve the cognitive dissonance, which is impressive for the Doin’ Their Own Research crowd.