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graduate student in English and digital humanities at Stanford University

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Last week, I sewed and glued my way through the SF Center for the Book's core bookbinding intensive. A good break from reading books, right? #DHmakes
brb listing this as an option on my quals list
finally located a copy of the greatest nineteenth century novel of them all: Middlemarch: or, The Whale
extremely kind of Hozier to release a new EP in honor of my first quarter as a TA being over
Reposted byAvatar gabi
Latest: A federal judge has issued a preliminary injunction blocking Houston from enforcing an ordinance the city has used to crack down on Food Not Bombs and other activists for giving free food to the needy in public
Federal judge temporarily blocks enforcement of Houston ordinance against feeding the The judge found that Food Not Bombs' activity was clearly expressive conduct under the First Amendment.
Last week was the first anniversary of possibly the Best Day of my life so far, when I was laid off from my job. I made cassoulet about it:
searched "how to quit vim" today and it is as humbling as it has ever been
Peep me in the green! Quinn makes the coolest stuff :)
Part 1 of an embroidery of term counts from Stanford Literary Lab's Lab Day event yesterday. Thread colors are mostly what people were wearing; beads are counts of 20 terms I kept track of. #DHmakes
"Food justice seeks food sovereignty, an end to food apartheid, and the availability of culturally appropriate food to the ends of serving a “decent meal.”" Alicia Kennedy's new essay distills, as always, without losing flavor.
Defining and Refining a Food Justice To create food media with a fuller analysis of power.
Reposted byAvatar gabi
And pushing this further: if humanities scholars can't meaningfully study cultural works from the 20th or 21st century without expensive and/or time-consuming legal-technical workarounds, when the material that resonates for students is off the table, the whole discipline is in trouble.
See also the perpetual "how can I use DH tools to study 20th/21st century culture?" conundrum—"Works in the public domain are not representative of the full scope of culture…training AI on public domain works would omit studies of contemporary history, culture, and society from the scholarly record"
Reposted byAvatar gabi
This is an amazing story. Houston criminalized feeding the homeless, Food not Bombs continued to do so, the city has ticketed them dozens of times and occasionally arrested members but hasn’t been able to get a single conviction.
Food Not Bombs trial rescheduled after too many jurors objected to $500 fine for feeding Roughly 90 tickets have been issued since March to volunteers with the loosely organized Food Not Bombs, which serves meals to people in need.
End of feed.