Gabriel Milland

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Gabriel Milland

Mainly research for strategy. But also a former senior UK government communications official and adviser. Back in the day, a journalist. Even further back in the day, a historian of the media, war and public opinion.
They speak of little else in the pubs and clubs.
Lots of interesting stuff here. SG is an admirable person in lots of ways. But in common with a lot of similar pieces, yet again there's a failure to point to something tangible she did as an official - a policy which was developed or a delivery project.
Inside Sue Gray’s Labour At 8.30 a.m. each morning, Keir Starmer holds a meeting with his inner circle to go over the business of the day. Once, these meetings were mainly filled with unelected aides, but now they are attende...
This is extremely good. Tory MPs used to regard The Sun and the Daily Mail as barometers of public opinion - with reason, as popular (and much unpopular) journalism strives to reflect readers' views as much as lead them. But these *were* mass market publications. GB News never was and never will be.
Gonna get into this in tomorrow's newsletter (try free here: As it stands, GBNews is a terrible vehicle for influence, in that if you persuade a majority of Tory members of your view, great, well done, all you've done is reduce the electability of your host party.
Things have come to a pretty pass when such a tribally Labour person as the Totally-Not-A-Trot Owen Jones feels obliged to leave the party. I mean, he literally had posters of Denis Healy on his teenage bedroom wall. He was the only kid in primary school with Tony Crosland as his favourite author.
Tories are waiting for Survation.
UK's failure in productivity in a single chart. We're working harder but have become poorer. The North Atlantic's answer to the Mezzogiorno.
Germans, eh?
Like any conspiracy theorist, Candace Owens has arrived at her inevitable destination
I see Holly Valance is saying she will vote Reform. That's the trouble with a lot of immigrants. They come over here and bring un-British views with them.
Totally incoherent interview from Welby. A fool.
Golden rule. If someone makes it pretty plain they don't like Muslims, they probably aren't very keen on Jews either.
Do read this.
#Royal press management isn’t easy. No palace job is. You’re working for people with limited real-world experience & unlimited decision-making power. There is (or should be) a line between royals’ private lives & public role. But this doesn't explain serial mistakes in #royalcommunications 1/10
Appears to be a bit of a pattern with royal comms. Stuff often appears to go seriously wrong when they don't take advice. Wouldn't be surprised if that's what happened here. But if this was the advice - release a questionable photo - then that's really bad too.
"UKIP had a steel band at one of their rallies so how can Nigel Farage be a racialist. Eh? Eh?"
Sad news of the death of ex-pitman and leftist firebrand Ronnie Campbell, former MP for Blyth. The only consolation is that horses will now sleep more soundly in their stables.
North MP hot under collar at fetish A NORTH MP was left red-faced last night after accidentally giving his support to National Fetish Day.
Quiet a fun thought experiment. But let's try and list the things that have to happen for Labour *not* to get a majority of a similar size to 1997 and assign some probabilities - based wholly on gut.
A vignette from non-functioning Britain. Tonight I went through a pothole and two tyres blew out on my car. As I waited for the AA - who were actually brilliant - the same thing happened to two other cars. Neighbours came out to say it had been happening all week and the council had done nothing.
This is the speech the PM should have made in October.
Met making Sunak's point for him by letting nutter shout over the PM.
There was a time when news of a PM surprise presser would have set Twitter alight with commentary and some well-informed speculation. It would have been *the* place. Just looked. Tumbleweed. Nada. That website is over.
Life makes a little more sense now that I know the readers of the Wall Street Journal need to be told what the grooves in a chocolate bar are for
In this week's WSJ column, I wrote about how the engineered weaknesses in chocolate bars (the grooves) help break it, & now I have an inbox of cross people telling me they push down directly on the groove rather than pushing on the side that doesn’t have a groove. Is this a Thing?
It is in full keeping with British Trotskyism's record of almost a century of 100%, unalloyed failure that they should put so much energy into forming a pan-crank front with Islamism and it's a Stalinist who ends up winning big.
The Economist design-a-voter things really is very cool. But there's one very major variable missing - household income. Am I the only person who thinks objective economic status is kind of important? The last Marxist left?
Seem to be seeing this in a heap of state polls. Kennedy is taking at least as many votes off Trump as he is off Biden.
LibDems take the rugby belt, the Tories are left with the least fashionable suburbs and Labour is rampant everywhere else.
Appointment of Henry Staunton in the first place looking increasingly rum.
The Labour government managed to squarely address Islamism without pandering to hatred of Muslims before 2010. That took political skill. I have zero confidence this government has those skills.
Go home Parliament, you're drunk. More seriously, they've got eff all to do so the sooner we have an election the better off everyone will be.