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CISO, Crypto Realist, Absurd Question Answerer, Regulation Translator, "REG SHO Hero", "Has all the answers", "Shill", Absolute Crusher of Copium and Hopium Dreams.

FKA Software Engineer, PMO Lead, God Tier DD Author
Just realized I forgot to post this here as well. #BTC #Crypto #BTCHalving
Tuned into 2 Spaces today. Realized that "feature creep" is just part of being human. One call took an hour to end because "one more thing" was actually 44 and included a PPT. 2nd was 600 morons convinced best way to tackle a problem was filling the "bucket" with reasons why the problem sucks...
Everyone believing that “Web3” is som e magical silver bullet should take 15 minutes to fully digest this immediately. ImmutableX should take notes for their next Spaces call.
When people say you should "own your own data", or that the future of the web is "ownership", what does that mean? We need to talk about digital ownership.
We need to talk about digital "Ownership" means ten different things to ten different people. Let's talk about what we actually want.
Was thinking it might be "fun", during this election year, to occasionally remind people of things that are YOUNGER than either of the likely presidential candidates. Age Limits & Term Limits ARE bipartisan! Trump & Biden are older than ReynoldsWrap, Velcro, and Transistors
BTC reaching highest point since March '22 in bear market downslope should NOT be confused for BTC strength into halving. Money is moving to Alts when looking at where market caps currently sit. BTC.D still climbing but hard resistance and lack of new money is a data point that shouldn't be ignored.
So he's taking the HODL position then? Really playing to the young demographics, genius... smh
The Washington Post is being a little generous to Eli Regalado in this headline, in suggesting he's considering the possibility that he was wrong. In context, he said that either he and all of his followers misheard God, or (more likely) God is "not done with this project"
Two weeks into launch of BTC ETFs; I've learned 3 things: 1) Average vocal crypto owner has absolutely pitiful understanding of FIAT markets. 2) Bloomberg & CoinDesk are competing for most clickbaity BS. 3) "Altcoin season" has been replaced by "Shitcoin pumping" season. Don't be stupid, stupid!
Looks like the 50d bleed has begun... What's next? Tapping the BMSB before making the run into the halving? I still believe our "cinch" is somewhere in very early February. In other news, ETH learns that decentralization is irrelevant if ever validator is running the same client software. Whoops.
In fairness to the pastor, the lord has frequently instructed others on the benefits of a "normal" scam. Good on the lord for modernizing his scam game. I mean this is the day that the lord hath made, after all.
This week: the aftermath of the Bitcoin ETF approval, Coinbase tells a judge that crypto's kind of like beanie babies, and an e-pastor says the Lord told him to run a crypto scam.
Issue 49 – And so the Lord says "give them a 10x" Bitcoin ETP approval, God-sent crypto scammers, and more trouble in Justin Sun's world.
That's all for today. I might be back tomorrow if there is something to say. Maybe some "good" news about the rejected 50d and the bleed down to the Bull Market Support Band before rebounding into the halving. Or maybe not....
Memestonk bags have zero future. Market is built to be resilient. GME was too close. Funds have derisked to not let that creep up. EVERY Short Squeeze begins as FTD Squeeze. CNS rolls obligations to derisk. Volume = rolled obligations. No rolled or increasing FTDs = no pressure. Deal with it.
BTC is not and never will be "the future of money". At absolute best, BTC is a reasonable "near" longterm store of value and will maintain this as long as regulation allows it. Make money on it but don't be fooled thinking you will ever be buying a coffee with BTC OR a BTC backed digital currency.
Web3 is NOT the same as Web3.0. The biggest difference? The Semantic Web (3.0) is an eventuality of tech evolution. The world's data moves "better" because of it. Web3 is a buzzwordy pipedream that has never materialized en masse, even in PoC, and, w/o acceptance of governing bodies, never will.
Let's break the ice. The next three posts give you insight into who I am, how I think, & what I care about. Feel free to respond, or don't... I'm not sure how most of this works anyway and I'm largely paralleling to old school tumblr blogs with a smaller character count. ie. It's for me, not you.
It is looking more and more like Twitter is not the place to be and while I'm unconvinced that THIS is, I like the idea of yelling my thoughts and theories into a slightly less crowded void. For the few that follow now, my postings will not be a surprise and for those yet to follow, you'll learn.
End of feed.