Molly White

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Molly White

crypto researcher & critic, software engineer, wikipedian • creator of • subscribe to my newsletter at

she/her • 💗💜💙
Reposted byAvatar Molly White
timeline cleanse
Reposted byAvatar Molly White
wow, i need to start a pro-crypto PAC rugpull yesterday
Coinbase's "Stand With Crypto" PAC website is now confirming what I reported earlier. More than 99% of the amount they claimed was raised by this supposedly "grassroots" PAC is in fact massive corporate contributions to the FairShake super PAC.
Coinbase’s “Stand With Crypto” PAC claims to have raised $87 million, but their donations list totals up to only $1,176,900. They seem to be double-counting corporate contributions to super PACs to overstate how much their “community” supports this supposedly grassroots project.
Reposted byAvatar Molly White
The middle aged male executive hysteria around “we gotta do something with blockchain, even if I have absolutely no idea what it is” of the early to mid 2010s was really an omen
Oh, it already is. Same thing happened with "Blockchain." Lots of people were talking about "how do we integrate with the blockchain?" And then I'd ask, "for what?" Nobody seemed to have a good answer for that.
Post an image that people will hear when they see it
Post an image that people will hear when they see it
Does anyone know of a good employment lawyer in California?
Fighting bots is fighting humans. One advantage to working on freely-licensed projects for over a decade is that I was forced to grapple with this decision far before mass scraping for AI training.
We spent $365 to build an AI news site that publishes 50 times a day, plagiarizes directly from our original reporting, uses services like Fiverr and popular WordPress plugins, is SEO optimized for Google and Adsense & breaks the rules of none of them
I Paid $365.63 to Replace 404 Media With Paying a freelancer on Fiverr to create a plagiarizing ChatGPT-powered news site revealed an industry of middlemen and services trying to game Google Search.
Reposted byAvatar Molly White
I literally warned y'all about exactly this kind of harmful outcome from GPT integrations, & even told you *why/how* it'd happen. And if it's showing in résumé sorting, then bet it's about break as having been happening in patient portals & police reports & lending application sorters & on & on & on
“UW researchers found that ChatGPT consistently ranked resumes with disability-related honors and credentials — such as the ‘Tom Wilson Disability Leadership Award’ — lower than the same resumes without those honors and credentials.”
ChatGPT is biased against resumes with credentials that imply a disability — but it can UW researchers found that ChatGPT consistently ranked resumes with disability-related honors and credentials — such as the “Tom Wilson Disability Leadership Award” — lower than the same...
who needs coffee when you can begin your day by stepping barefoot on a thistle?
programmer/knitter checking in
My timeline is full of women in tech who are fiber artists of some sort. I got into embroidery, but the knitters are beyond counting.
Reposted byAvatar Molly White
Can anyone who's tried this report back? 🧪
PSA: Paying for a subscription on the crypto version of OnlyFans using a public blockchain does not give you "true privacy", regardless of what the models there might say.
"Establishing that AI training requires a copyright license will not stop AI from being used to erode the wages and working conditions of creative workers. ... Our path to better working conditions lies through organizing" – Cory Doctorow
Pluralistic: Neither the devil you know nor the devil you don’t (21 Jun 2024) – Pluralistic: Daily links from Cory
Reposted byAvatar Molly White
These people are nihilists that believe that see creativity as a problem to solve and the product of someone unnecessarily distracted from the quest for growth. They see every single creative and worker as an enemy, and their shit doesn't work.
In an interview, OpenAI CTO Mira Murati says "some creative jobs maybe will go away" due to AI, "but maybe they shouldn't have been there in the first place" (Kate Irwin/PCMag) Main Link | Techmeme Permalink
The cryptocurrency industry Super PAC Fairshake is now #1 out of all Super PACs by total funds raised. They've raised more than $175 million to influence upcoming elections in the US, and have more than $100 million of it still waiting to deploy.
dunno why I went with "Citation Needed" when "Blogging Molly" was right there
Reposted byAvatar Molly White
In no small part because of a little while ago, the beehiiv newsletter platform now offers a pay-what-you-want subscription. We're hoping this is attractive for journalists, academics and others. (Apologies for marketing but this is a good feature)
Pay what you want 💸 See what's new @ beehiiv...
Back home from Switzerland, where I went to speak at This Next Thing. What an amazing trip!
Reposted byAvatar Molly White
I legit love this woman’s “please bring me the sweet release of death” face
this has to be the least compelling pitch of all time
i feel like this ad copy needs a little more workshopping
One flaw of the LLMs I've used: they will never give you harsh criticism. While it would be nice to think all my writing is just that good, I know there are no circumstances where someone will ask for feedback and it will say “throw the whole thing out and start again.”
Altogether, the exercise reinforced my previous opinion: LLMs are terrible writers, but decent editorial rubber ducks.
Reposted byAvatar Molly White
It's funny that any phone or laptop you buy in the next two years is going to be garbage
code's haunted
Cool blogroll project courtesy of Dave Winer. I like that it sorts based on recent posts, and shows a preview of those posts inline.
A fresh look at Real-time updates, list sorted by name or time, expand a blog to see recent posts and more.
how am i going to explain to my wife that i emptied our retirement funds and then lost it all to the UwU hack?? 👉👈
UwU Lend suffers almost $20 million hack June 10, 2024