
It is one thing to constantly expect Black women to save this democracy, but I get annoyed when folks wanna micromanage exactly how we are to do so. This is why you can’t have nice things (e.g. a functioning democracy).
Went on LinkedIn and immediately saw a picture of Michelle Obama with them saying "Can Michelle Obama beat Trump?" What?
On the other hand, I bet Michelle O is doing pilates and takes good care of herself. She could beat Trump who can't see his feet and bend to pickup a pencil. She should wear gloves though. Poor man is afraid of knuckle sandwiches.
Nope, nope, not even in jest. Everyone need to take her name out of their mouths. And I don’t concern myself with Trump’s lack of physical fitness. I worry because he is an ignorant, vindictive man who wants to end American Democracy as we know it.
I didn't want a Bush Dynasty, I don't want a Trump Dynasty, and I don't want a Obama Dynasty either.
Happy Dynasty-Free July 4th to you! Many we have many more dictator- and dynasty- free years to come…