
Tomorrow’s video is on the failure of Sulla’s constitutional reforms - trying a new direction with thumbnails to increase click through rate and would appreciate any and all feedback on the below. Any good? Any potential improvements before it goes live tomorrow?
As for the thumbnail, I hate to say it because... well red glowing eyes on the bust? I know! I know! But I think that sort of thing catches attention?
That is a really good idea! However isn’t that typically used to show that someone is a badass (my understanding of it but I am also old). I think it would catch attention for sure but the video is about how Sulla is a shithead. If there are other connotations to it though I’ll add it for sure
Hmm, some sort blood image would be appropriate? I mean he stacked the bodies even by Roman standards to an extreme.
Good idea, let me see what I can do
Sulla doing the Stalin "No man, no problem" bit first.