
Darren Bellerby deserves more than a jelly baby for his stunning paint job on the miniatures from #DoctorWho: Time of Daleks! 🧣 We love sharing your creations so make sure you post them in the relevant thread of the official GF9 Discord server: #BoardGames | #TabletopGames
Any plans to add the new Doctor to the game?
As of right now there isn't, but things can always quickly change. If there is ever any news be assured we will post far and wide to make sure everyone knows. 😊
Thanks for the quick response! If you do later decide to add this Doctor, put me down in the “automatic preorder as soon as it is announced” column.
We will try our best to get the Studio on board! We're big Whovians in the Marketing team so we're always badgering them about these games. 😅