
- Labour's vote spread was way more efficient than under Corbyn. Brilliant groundgame - Tory vote was cannibilized by Reform - soft tories stayed at home, unlike with Corbyn - Labour will need to win back the votes lost due to terrible trans and gaza policies ALL THESE THINGS CAN BE TRUE AT ONCE
No. Everyone doesn't "hate" Starmer. They just don't see him as inspiring. But all the above is why Labour will need to DELIVER over this term in order to keep the votes of these who just want shit to work. And they'll need to be WAY better on trans rights, gaza and climate to shore up the base.
Something that's important to do now is WRITE TO YOUR MP. Particularly if they are new. Not a form letter or autogenerated one. An actual personal one. Not frothy. Just firm and clear. Ask them their views. When they respond, tell them how it aligns (or doesn't) to KEEP your vote.
Get that om their radar now, and in their head. Because the sooner they start asking questions, understanding the issues, and firming up better positions the better. It needs to be on the policy radar now, not in four years time.
I really, really want them to abandon all the corrupt SEZ nonsense too.
I said this earlier today and you'd've thought I'd told some online antagonists to shoot a dog based on how angry it made them:
If your area got a new Labour MP then it is your duty to email them and say that you are happy the Tories are out but that transphobia should have no place in the party. Make Starmer gently walk back his support for Rowling's position!
Give it time. He'll be Macronesque within 18 months. Lots of opportunities to attack this government - I'm already enjoying the "Have you thanked Nigel Farage for making you Prime Minister?" stuff I'm seeing and hearing, very funny.
Does representing about 100k vs 800k (US) make a big difference? I tried calling to express an opinion once and it was like the fellow who answered had never even considered that someone might do that.