
Warning of "radical liberal parents," Ron DeSantis sent out a fundraising email after the debate on Wednesday accusing parents of trans youth of being child abusers. This is the claim Texas uses to threaten to remove transgender youth from their parent's custody.
DeSantis Revives Vicious Attacks on LGBTQ Families as His Campaign Nearly two-thirds of LGBTQ adults now say they face discrimination in their daily lives as anti-LGBTQ violence spikes.
So DeSantis, the frequent associate of rapists, wants to tell us who he thinks the abusers are?
Guess “parental rights” don’t matter when it comes to things he doesn’t like!
GOPers are broken people, and they won't be satisfied until everyone and everything else is also broken.
“QUICK, VILIFY SOMEONE! WE’RE LOSING!” “We did, Sir! We vilified the queers, and the trans kids, and their parents, and books—“ “VILIFY HARDER!!!!!”