
I don't think I've seen enough discussion of this possibility which, to be absolutely clear, would be historically catastrophic. For women, for trans people, for immigrants, for the working class, for the planet.
I'll share an observation. The fracturing of the Democratic electorate into single issue factions, many of which have a loud social media presence that may or may not indicate their influence in the real world, is disheartening in light of the stakes in this election. On a personal level (1/2)
what is most troubling to me is the seeming willingness to disregard millions of other people. Gaza is terrible, climate change is an existential threat, but my daughter is engaged to a trans woman and I will not sit by quietly while people abandon them in the name of their single issue. (2/2)
And if anyone out there is tempted to say "Oh, so because it's personal to you, I can't say what I think?" No, you absolutely can. But I want you to think about ALL of the consequences of failing to stop Trump, not just the impact on your chosen issue.
To me, everything revolves around answering this question- did we see “just a bad night” from President Biden, or was that a revelation that he’s declined muuuch more than Admin or campaign has conceded? The next few weeks to a month will probably corroborate one or the other.
The debate was like a window into the future showing exactly that happening. There might be something dems can do to change it but it’s clear that they won’t. But I feel like we’ve been gifted 6 months to positively and constructively protect ourselves from that future at the individual level.
The stakes are huge, but we've always known that. Decision-making under pressure means taking a step back and thinking carefully through all the possibilities, not immediately jumping off the cliff and hoping you'll figure out a way to knit a parachute before you hit the ground.
My own fear is that an open convention would pass over Harris in favor of a White savior, which loses much of the black vote and loses us the election for certain.