Joe Littrell

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Joe Littrell

Funnybook chain on-line sales drone, packing wizard, and utility outfielder. TTPRG guy. Extensive backstory everyone is fascinated by except me. Hermit.
Bvreet the rich.
The hardest any Marvel comic has ever gone: Micronauts 10
Fifteen years ago, lamented the oncoming storm of Etewaf. But, lo! The C-Suite is here to save us...
Five years ago today, all I wanted was some biscuits and gravy...
For the love of Pete, people, stop choosing the Free shipping option labeled "Store Pickup" and then being surprised when I expect you to actually pick up your book at a store.
Hey, Telsa goofs. Come teach your boy how to park.
Gotta admit - telling me your own product is a piece of shit is pretty ballsy, #facebook.
If half the people leaving crying emojis on my "This is the last weekend for the Saturday Outlet Store" had ever shown up for the Saturday Outlet Store, this wouldn't be its last weekend.
Tell me your writer or your editor is over 60 years old without telling me your writer or editor is over 60 years old.
Apropos of nothing, an podcast just triggered a flashback to when networks used to dedicate half-hour to hour-long prime-time slots to previewing their Saturday morning cartoon line-ups.
Yesterday me: "Ah, new Deadpool/Wolverine trailer tomorrow. Gotta get ready to drop that on all the company socials." Today me:
TIL that the man who created The Electric Company TV show also played Wimpy in the Robin Williams Popeye film.
Reposted byAvatar Joe Littrell
The plot of every '80s family movie is some asshole with an expensive haircut is going to tear down the community center where cool stuff happens and everybody bands together to run him out of town, and I wish we had done a better job of internalizing that
As we wandered through Ikea last week and looked at replacement couches, our ranking criteria were 1) did we sink down to far to get back up easily, and 2) how much room was left for cats when we were both sitting down.
I mean, there's kind of a precedent...
My mom's side of the family runs a farm in rural Vermont, and I remember during haying when everyone was out sweating throwing bales they would all drink jars of pickle juice they had saved up. It was like farmer gatorade, I guess? Anyway just wanted to steal focus from your post with my anecdote.
Switchel — Tasting Surprisingly very good and not vinegary at all, this is more like a really gingery apple pie. Delicious on its own or with rum
Reposted byAvatar Joe Littrell
Members of the so-called "Ghost Army" used inflatable tanks, phony uniforms, fake rumors and special effects to deceive German forces during World War II, diverting attention from larger units and saving hundreds of thousands of American lives in the process.
After decades of secrecy, the 'Ghost Army' is honored for saving U.S. lives in The Ghost Army is credited with saving thousands of American lives and helping end WWII in Europe. But its contributions were kept secret for half a century. On Thursday, it won Congress' top honor.
"Is the Saturday Outlet Store only open on Saturday?" ... Just because we're in Orlando doesn't mean you need to be asking me theme park questions, people.
And now we pause on the anniversary of Flo Steinberg's birth to ask the sacred question: Five bucks was too much, you fucking tightwads? What the hell?
Drop a ship that’s not from Star Wars or Star Trek
Drop a ship that’s not from Star Wars or Star Trek
Setting up a Little Free Library is one of the things I've wanted to do since we got the house, but I have neither the craftiness to build, or the spare cash to buy, one that would stand up to the Florida weather.
Keep a lookout for one of these Dog Man little libraries in your neighborhood. (There are also details in the link about how you can apply to have one set up in your area.) Such an awesome initiative!
DOG MAN Little Free Libraries coming to all 50 states (+ book giveaway!) Dog Man-themed Little Free Libraries are coming to all 50 states, Dav Pilkey donates 50,000 books and a Scarlet Shedder giveaway!
One wonders what the Venn Diagram of "We need to protect rich people because I might be a rich person some day" and "We need to protect AI because I might be a famous AI artist someday" is.
quote one picture of your cat to promote your cat
I have been on-line since the days of acoustic couplers, and even given everything I've seen since then, I'm still taken aback by the sheer number of Facebook goons who are trying to make a Peanuts "Happiness is a stack of comic books" cartoon political.
Facebook's algorithm has been very kind to our stores' page the last day or so, and I must say, I do not like it at all.
Given the way things are going I think we should all delete our social media accounts and go back to the original communication method: lighting the Beacons of Minas Tirith and calling for aid.
Given the way things are going I think we should all delete our social media accounts and go back to the original communication method: backmasking secret Satanic messages in our heavy metal albums.