football on mushrooms

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football on mushrooms

mid-set is where i live. no opener, no closer, no encore needed - just blow me away with the best mid-set ever.
only psychopaths proclaim autumn to be the best season.
a government organization with the thoroughness and independence of the NTSB coupled with the expediency of a law enforcement entity hastily placing blame on an innocent man.
all the people who ran Jamelle Bouie off are about to have some thoughts. i would implore you not to agree with a single one.
god this place sucks at times. at least on twitter back in the day i was able to carve a wide-main channel with limited tributaries and distributaries. on this site i have to craft a narrow passage and dam off every potential avulsion because there’s a number of self-important scalp collectors.
if Biden does win i hope he changes his twitter account to the name of Clay Davis, substitutes dollar bills for the lasers in the eyes of the logo, and responds to every tweet with that gif of Pete Carroll strutting around in a top hat, monocle, and cain while chewing gum.
reskeet with a tweet you still think about
reskeet with a tweet you still think about
my three favourites are the first three in this list because of limited crowds, especially isle royale. loathe articles that highlight less crowded places. hopefully people take the boat to IR and regret their life decisions.
what the NYT did today is shameless. no basic easy fact check, comments turned off, no meaningful retraction, removal, or apology, and that’s before you consider they platformed a full-blown fascist. this feels like the Hulk Hogan leg drop on Savage & joining NWO for those who support journalism.
i tip well - maybe too well at certain times because i inappropriately think certain favours (‘non-POS’ craft beer orders) will come my way. the delivery food service though is wrong - tips should be based upon distance/time not order cost. i mean, what are you actually delivering versus driving?
seeing orgs like the heritage foundation align its dominos makes it clear that the extremists have mastered the art of horse whispering, which literally could be worse than than that future competent authoritarian we all feared 6-7 years ago.
rubes who will not only tie their own blindfold and vote, but also financially support an absolute deft candidate vs the incoherent left which will never organize in a meaningful political fashion nor ever vote in their better interests. and some wonder why horseshoes don’t connect.
dems replace Biden at the convention and the rest of summer and half of fall will be a weekly hell of NYT and WAPO articles questioning if dems did the right thing.
sometimes i think what hampers this place from growing more is that, for those of us who always swam the main current at the other place and never ventured down distributaries we (low followers/don’t know who to follow) are generally confused as to who to follow without getting lost in a spillway.
i took my daily mirtazapine early and slept through the debate. apparently Biden was awful and in our collective short term memories this is actually going to somehow matter in late summer. meanwhile i scream into the ever-present fall doldrums, can the Dems just fucking work the refs like the R’s?
some local scandals will always cement longer in the mind than national ones. a young man named Dean Letourneau was just drafted in the nhl, and i can’t be the only PNW native who spent 10-minutes search-engining his parents. you know, just to see.
if you’re running someone like Tom Nichols from this place because he presents view points that are worthy of debate and are presented in earnest then that’s a reflection of you - someone who probably doesn’t care about freedom of legitimate thought unless it suits yourself. why do you do this?
i am not a truck guy, but after touring this retired guy’s new GMC Sierra 1-ton Duramax in the parking lot of the pub there is just no way one rationally opts to drop 100k on a cybertruck over an engineering marvel that provides both luxury and graceful utility. hats off to you GM.
baseball is a meandering sport with occasional avulsions. one day it will shift where hitters no longer take down-the-pipe fastballs only to swing at off-plate sliders on the next pitch. and, low fastballs will become desirable pitches. eventually, batting average will once again matter.
there’s a venn i want to see. could you land a plane, could you fight a bear and win, and are you impervious to spatial disorientation.
we lost at the pub in the movie trivia round because i didn’t know what Road House remake looks like. fine. have your tu-da-lah-hee-hee remake moments. you fuck one iota with Holy Grail and you’ll have to redefine stochastic terrorism due to the hell i’ll unleash.
still feel shame and disgust abandoning android 3.5 years ago simply because my friends shamed me over group texts & a certain app is only on a certain OEM. it’s amazing how many brilliant computer people - way smarter than me - can embrace inferior technology. and what amounts to a kid’s phone.
in this overly-inflated, exhausting, and often times unnecessary world of subscription services we’re still lacking what we truly want - like our beloved bands charging $15-30/live streamed show and a monthly/annual pass option for all archived shows. i know Phish figured it out. why can’t others?
it’s only been less than 30 years since we answered the age old question of who wins between an orca and a great white shark. merely 15 years ago we learned the ‘stall’ in meat smoking is due to evaporative cooling. we are an interesting species and not going to make it off this damn planet.
it’s amazing what we talk ourselves into. salmon and halibut are probably the 2 most overrated fishes. smoked salmon is one thing - exceptional when done right; a colossal disappointment otherwise. upgrading to halibut for fish n’ chips is a waste of money with less satisfaction. stick with cod.
one way i determine whether a given pub is my sort of establishment with LTP is if Bowling For Soup gets played within the first 90-minutes of my arrival. the other way is, would Bukowski drink here? but let’s be honest, Bukowski would have drank at any pub.
i’m mostly mellow, except when backpacking 8-16 miles into the mountains & i reach a half-mile to a high alpine lake. i just want to set up camp and have a ‘mountain seabreeze’, but no, the lake seemingly never comes into sight. at 1/4 mile i’m cursing all gods and convinced no lake actually exists.
i am finding myself more frequently having to search engine a word to verify the veracity of it rather than utilize my MW subscription. and i gotta say, from an outsider’s perspective, Mr/Ms Merriam and or Webster is deliberately trying to gaslight me with their spiel about ‘irregardless.’
i went on IG to see if an artist had announced a drop date for AP versions of a gig poster and got hit with notifications for posts on ‘threads’ that i may like. i can barely figure out this place’s rabbit holes and bird’s nest entanglement for responses. it’s like a diarrhea swamp over there.
don’t watch many ‘shows’ but viewing Shogun - which is exceptionally crazy good - harkens me back to GoT episode 3 last season when HBO essentially blamed OLED TV owners for not fucking up their settings. i factor in Succession and i’m left with a conglomerate that is an allegory for something.
when the earth has had enough of this shit it will summon a supervirus - something that lays dormant while allowing one to infect others. after 6-months it quickly turns your organs to liquid shit. basically, Thanos snapping fingers 2-3 times. the survivors will inevitably learn nothing.
a lot of experienced confliction on this one. i’ve seen it work and i’ve witnessed the horrors of what can happen outside of clinical use. ultimately psychedelics will never be a cure all, but i still believe they can assist with a lot of shit we suffer through day-by-day.
FDA panel recommends against approval of MDMA to treat An advisory committee is evaluating the evidence supporting MDMA-assisted therapy as a treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder.