
Interstate sale of unpasteurized milk is prohibited by FDA reg 1240.61 under the authority given to the Surgeon General in the Public Health Services Act to prevent communicable diseases. But in this 5th circuit courtroom, a FedSoc judge trained in creationist biology isn't sure that's true.
New test results released by the FDA found that bird flu virus is making its way from dairy farms and into milk processing plants but also confirmed that the commonly used flash pasteurization method fully neutralizes the virus.
FDA’s testing of raw milk finds H5N1 bird flu in half of samples but confirms flash pasteurization kills virus | New test results released by the US Food and Drug Administration on Friday found that bird flu virus is making its way from dairy farms and into milk processing plants but also confirmed that the comm...
21 CFR 1240.61 -- Mandatory pasteurization for all milk and milk products in final package form intended for direct human
folks, I did so much research and read a whole law review article* for this shitpost. Please appreciate the effort with your likes. *
but did you cross reference this with the Chevron ruling and the potential implications of, or have you reached the equilibrium point of - fuck it, drink unpasteurized milk if you want to rubes?