
Thanks for reiterating this, George. It needs to be said, and repeated, ad infinitum, in every election cycle.
Your vote only has power in 🟣 battleground states under our awful Electoral College system. It is drowned out in Deep Red & Deep Blue states.
As someone in a red state, I’m not taking any chances. Some people fucked around and we all found out by enduring 4 years of Trump. So I’m voting for Biden regardless of my vote being drowned or not.
Avatar Excellent. I encourage ALL voters to vote 🔵 no matter where they live. I am just challenging the "every vote counts" rhetoric in the face of the perverse Electoral College system which gave us Bush 2 and Trump.
Had enough people voted in 2016, Trump wouldn’t have won with the help of the electoral college. So yeah, every vote counts.
Only if they voted in battleground states and voted for Clinton. Increasing the vote for Clinton in deep 🔵 and 🔴 states in would have done nothing to change the final horrific outcome.
Important to remember your vote matters regardless, it’s not just the top of the ticket. Reps, council people, local and state amendments… your vote may make a difference down ticket so don’t sit out!
Only if you vote against major parties, otherwise your vote is meaningless.
"It is all on the line in 2024..." Who you can be is on the line. Come on, America, we know you can be more than you're being!
Sadly in a solid red state, it only matters in the meaningless popular vote count. But just the same, I will be there.
This essay is excellent. Thank you.