
Wonā€™t have Liz Truss to mock any more. A terrible loss to comedy. Her humiliation is now complete. She did look ā€œheavily medicatedā€ this morning. I hope people are checking on her.
She lost her marbles a while ago and now her seat as wellšŸ¤£ She can toodle off to the US now to kiss Trump's arse.
no you can keep your own disasters over there. we've got our hands full with trump and his other arse kissers.
I didn't realise you were in the US. I have everything crossed that the fat orange man ends up wearing an orange boiler suit in some jail.
same, but i'm more sickened by his following than by the man himself. how could anyone stoop that low? it's maddening.
so will you be celebrating Independence Day with us from now on? šŸ˜‚ (f the Tories!)
Yes it's my grandson's birth date as well so not easy to forget. Gawd I hope Trump doesn't get anywhere near The Whitehouse in November šŸ¤ž
only if they drive by on his way to prison. not very hopeful of that ever happening, though.