
Won’t have Liz Truss to mock any more. A terrible loss to comedy. Her humiliation is now complete. She did look “heavily medicated” this morning. I hope people are checking on her.
Her and JRM going are my two best highlights. The slow handclap before her count this morning was so surreal. Do you think she was pushed onto the stage? I do, horrifyingly, think she will bounce back in the US peddling her nonsense and pandering to Trump and co. But hopefully she’ll stay there.
I think she’s become too much of a global joke to gain real traction. The US Right want performative cruelty.
The effect of an English accent on Americans is not to be underestimated. And Americans don't follow other countries' politics. Present her as a martyr of the deep state and the American right will eat it up. She'll learn to perform the cruelty. What other prospects does she have?
Her best case in the US is to get trotted out to say foolish things and not be in on the joke. She is not exactly a likeable loser.
This could well be the case (your latter point is certainly true).
I think she got lost coming back from the loos. The vacant expression she was wearing suggested that she wasn’t sure where she was. Maybe she ended up on the stage by accident
A bit like the gong show, rather than being dragged off the stage she was pushed onto it...
Just want to say we're perfectly all booked on conservative losers here. No need to send her over. If you want Corden back we'll take her though.
No, you can keep him, thanks!
Send Corden half way and we'll do the same with Truss. Let the fuckers drown and the sharks can have whats left.
Good morning and congratulations! A quick question if you don't mind... which Conservative loss is more satisfying - Truss, Rees-Mogg or someone else?
Rees-Mogg for me. Truss was a joke. Mogg represents a cruelty that he revelled in. Thoroughly unpleasant person.
We won’t have to witness this arrogance again for a while (he’s relegated to ranting to bigots & dullards on GBNews)
But 5 years of Reform propaganda from Mogg and GBNews might not be a good thing for the UK. I'm not even sure my fellow Scots would be immune to that propaganda, considering they've just voted Labour against the SNP and kept the tories in the borders and NE.
Off to spend some time with his money.
My thought. He falls softly onto cushions filled with banknotes. And British fish will never forget how happy they are thanks to him.
Nanny will make it better.
Okay, is this a photo shop or is this real? If it's real can someone explain it? Who is the person in the right? Did they win? What is that mask/makeup? If it's real its delightfully wacky.
It's real High profile MPs often have people standing against them for fun. This is one of those. The picture was taken (not by me) just before the result was announced. The character stood under the name 'Barmy Brunch' for the Official Monster Racing Looney Party.
Oh, and the other questions, didn't win; Dan Norris of The Labour Party did. Barmy Brunch got 211 votes. It wasn't real, rubberised whatever. Still, raises the question why...
Politics can be pretty dreary so I endorse this kind of harmless fun.
He never hid the fact he believed he was above the little people and always looked as though he would happily patronise you with a lengthy explanation as to why. I hope we never see him again.
She lost her marbles a while ago and now her seat as well🤣 She can toodle off to the US now to kiss Trump's arse.
no you can keep your own disasters over there. we've got our hands full with trump and his other arse kissers.
I didn't realise you were in the US. I have everything crossed that the fat orange man ends up wearing an orange boiler suit in some jail.
same, but i'm more sickened by his following than by the man himself. how could anyone stoop that low? it's maddening.
so will you be celebrating Independence Day with us from now on? 😂 (f the Tories!)
Yes it's my grandson's birth date as well so not easy to forget. Gawd I hope Trump doesn't get anywhere near The Whitehouse in November 🤞
You'll get to see her again. At the cenotaph, every year.
Hopefully they’ll crop her out of all the photos again.
I'm surprised Sunak didn't immediately become the new steward for the Chiltern hundreds, maybe once a new leader is sorted?
It seems he’s agreed to stay on as leader to shepherd the election of a new one but I can’t see him relishing the life of a backbencher.
I remember Radio 4 featuring her on their Profile programme years before she became prime minister. She's definitely an odd one.
Will miss her bold, authentic and innovative leadership
Oh from the sounds of things there’s plenty of humiliation left though I suppose you need some sense of shame for that.
She'll be OK. In her mind's eye, she'll be jetting off to the US to do lucrative "Fizz With Liz" rallies on the major university campuses, with her brilliant right-lib ideas for economic and political reform being lauded by prominent academics in round glasses, tweed jackets and bow ties.
In reality, of course, she'll be greeted with blank looks by fat rednecks in MAGA hats in sports halls in the Bible Belt.