
Feeling almost every beat of my heart in the most uncomfortable way. 🥴 Trying to keep still, rest the mind, but the mind is so unable to rest. ADHD doesn't make mind rest the most easy task, tbf. I wonder if that's why having ADHD puts you at higher risk with covid?
I'm sorry the 'vid got you xx I hope you have a smooth recovery. Don't go back to full activity too fast!
Thank you e hoa. My intent is to not get my heart rate up for at least a few months.
Excellent plan. I waited 6 weeks after I felt OK before gently going back to running. I'm grateful for the people who told me to wait! It was good advice.
It's one of the risk things they look for when considering paxlovid... I always wondered why that would put you at greater risk but now I'm seeing rest is exceedingly difficult. 😅 And not resting is the BIGGEST risk factor for long covid afaik
Annoyingly my dad has Paxlovid he never used, and is happy to give it to me, but he's in the States and mailing it isn't exactly legal, plus it would likely take too long to get here in time to be effective, so.... Guess not. 🙃