
I think every generation has myths it tells about itself. This is why older people are often upset that "Boomer" is now so frequently used a pejorative; it was the generation that famously said never to trust anyone over 30, and now they're the people folks under 30 definitively do not trust.
As someone coming right at the end of it, I do feel like Gen X has a lot of myths about itself that it tells and I am never entirely sure if it believes them or not.
As someone born "smack in the middle" of the Generation X cohort, we can't even admit to ourselves how terrible we are as a group. Like how at least half of us were die hard Reaganites before we could even vote. Where the US (and the world) is today is as much on us as it is on Baby Boomers.
You're last statement is spot-on. Boomer here. Daughter Gen-X. We get along great. Mostly. Historical responses fill my head. None of them really matter. Gen-X isn't as finished as Boomers are. You still have much to contribute. To quote a famous Boomer... "It ain't over till it's over."
A lot of GenX feels boomers refuse to turn over the reigns to us and we will die in gutters while millennials inherit the crown
I hear boomers blamed for a lot of stuff. Some is valid, some not so much. That particular complaint -- well, when I was a 60's hippie we said the same about our parents (before they gave names to generations). In my observation, every generations made mistakes. It's kind of odd that I've (cont)
never heard anyone mention the Yuppies. That was a "generation" for me. The movie that best describes it is John Carpenter's "They Live". They were the ones destroying the future, and I remember thinking that at the time. For a lot of reasons that are blamed on boomers.
Yuppies were the original horseshoe that bent GenX. Both pro and con.