Agent NaN

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Agent NaN

I post weird stuff & talk about UFOs.
OK is there a drug production smell that is like cinnamon? I like my neighbors I'm not tryma snitch
Reposted byAvatar Agent NaN
“Since childhood, I've been faithful to monsters. I have been saved and absolved by them, because monsters, I believe, are patron saints of our blissful imperfection, and they allow and embody the possibility of failing.” ― Guillermo del Toro
If we had a picture of president Taft stuck in a bathtub this would still be funnier.
Reposted byAvatar Agent NaN
I know they get rolled all the time but for the Times to get rolled by “actually they just want to reclaim the values of Western civilization as they see it … with larger families and fewer immigrants” is the Times putting the 14 words in the paper
Half the Twitter spaces about a topic I might enjoy are full of blackout drunks having childish beef with each other, or another space
It's kinda wild to be nowhere near dead (hopefully) and already seeing peers fall more often. A decade after my spouse.
Yup it's proven if you say bad things about terrible Musk tweets no one sees your posts.
Yup it's proven if you say bad things about terrible Musk tweets no one sees your posts.
At Reny's (a Maine thing, sorta downmarket LL Bean), guy w neck tats and wraparound shades is yakking at the SS age cashier who wants to cash out and go home, she says "excuse me I need to check him out" nodding at me. No pause, he says "you shouldn't check him out, you're a married lady!"
Gonna make my kids watch Repo Man and pretend I haven't done that already
I did the dishes and it feels like decades were tooken
I don't usually like 8 tweets in a thread but this is wild. My half not white kid loved the show but since the gang rape we just don't talk about it.
In October 2018, I was sick at home and had too a little too much cold medicine. So I decided to live tweet “O*tlander” a show I’d heard some good things about. Nothing will prepare you for the saga that unfolded.
My daughter bought a shot glass that has the word "slut" embedded into the base. What is the correct moral response? (hint she likes girls, I'm not fussed)
Robber barons used to deliver oil and operate trains. Now they just steal contacts data from paying customers.
I will check back but somehow mobile internet doesn't work exactly where the fireworks were launched yesterday this timeline is stupid
Wow Dropbox my photo shares with my kids are erased and when I try to add one back it says "too many files" someone is making some shitty engineering decisions #dropbox
Wow American Pie is awful and dated but tbh the screenwriting is good, like, the women are all shallow stereotypes right up until you realize the guys all finally got laid only because the women were in charge of what they wanted the whole time. The "band camp" joke was a lot of patient setup....
I guess, as an American seeing UK election shitcin my timeliness, my immediate reaction is like
I literally can't see what I'm typing now. It's like using a call phone in a dream (which didn't happen before 2024) where the screen keeps doing weird stuff Wow I feel like I'm typing this good enough to be not insane
Oh won't you come with me And wa l k this land
So glad that B.O. and skanking and American hardcore are still real
I have a weird memory of an otherwise intelligent person telling me "that's not a threat, it's a promise" was backwards. Ironically she's a definite leftist and I'm sure she recognizes that Project 2025 is a promise.
I'm wholly ignoring any lists or tagging I get because a) fuck you snitches b) when I save it up for 10 years and review it all at once, it will be obvious how stupid it is.
Someone put me on a list titled “Nah” and this is the kind of validation I’ve been seeking my entire life.
Me & other people got some bizaare anti Vatican ii book in the mail and without us discussing it my kids put it into the recycling thank g** I raised them right