
The amount of nazi propaganda on twitter now is so pervasive, and the disturbing thing about it is that because it’s a successful engagement strategy on the platform you can see its influence either through people responding and therefore spreading it or echoing it for faves without realizing it
A group of 45 civil society organisations in Germany (some of them rather large and active) have collectively decided yesterday to leave Twitter. Each of them has put out their joint statement about this on other social media.
47 orgs from environment, health, agriculture, human rights & social affairs jointly announce the suspension of their activities on X. The "eXit" alliance sets an example for a democratic & respectful culture of debate on International Day for Countering Hate Speech
eXit Hate Speech: 47 organisations cease activities on EuroNatur announces the discontinuation of its activities at X.
I really wish there was an American equivalent of this. Most of our local news and companies rely on Twitter and I hate it. :( After leaving Twitter I missed the news that multiple right wing agitators were running for our school board. Luckily I found out before primaries.