
The amount of nazi propaganda on twitter now is so pervasive, and the disturbing thing about it is that because it’s a successful engagement strategy on the platform you can see its influence either through people responding and therefore spreading it or echoing it for faves without realizing it
I personally don't know why people to the left of Byron de la Beckwith don't leave the site, it's like staying subscribed to a publication bought out by Stormfront because the classified ad section is top-notch.
Also, my timeline would appreciate a dramatic reduction in Twitter screenshots proving for the 2.8 millionth time that Twitter is a shithole produced by constantly clicking around Twitter.
You might appreciate this labeler to improve your own feeds by hiding these screenshots, but I also agree it’s a problem in general
There's a labeler that helps with this! I am subscribed to it, absolutely helps trim down the "tediously dunk on people being awful on Twitter in a way that's harmful to readers here" background drone.
I’ve seen a lot of, “Hey, don’t leave! Here’s how to still have a good experience there.” But my conscience drove me to leave, not the trolls. And unlike some, I don’t need it.
I was still using it until they banned me because a lot of academic people haven’t moved yet, probably in part because this Nazi stuff doesn’t really come up in those feeds or replies in the same way. They banned me for insulting Martin Shkreli. Lol
That's a badge of honor right there
I told him I hoped his plane crashed into the Bermuda Triangle. I mean what kind of idiot even takes that seriously
LOL I got a ban for wishing Lindsey Graham got itchy hemorrhoids. Yours is way more exciting!
Because various communities sadly have not left twitter, or have tried to leave and returned. Dutch politics for example is mostly (apart from a lot of anarchist/socialist leftwing types) still mainly on there. It sucks a lot.
It also doesn't help that we don't really reskeet groups that depend on that enough here. So they get more reach, artists for example. I'm also guilty of that btw. But I never was a big reskeeter/retweeter anyway (I rationalize my bad behavior away).
It is a difficult problem because of the network effect. So long as lots of people stay around and consume content, every liberal who leaves cedes more societal influence to the far right that aren't leaving. But if you don't leave, you contribute to keeping the network strong and people engaged.
Ideally, you get everyone to jump at once, but that's not realistic. There was a window of time where if a good alternative could've been stood up right when Musk took over, that might've happened. But that time has passed. So, instead, we have the slow bleed we see.
You see, I don't care who the hell is on there. But if you generate BlueSky content by going there all the time to say MMMMM I'M TELLING or, even worse, screenshot your own Twitter posts (I've seen that pathetic practice more than once) then I'll adjust my following/muting accordingly.
Twitter has a giant neo-Nazi rally almost certainly winning converts by the day going on right now. People who are there are helping keep the size of the mission field for that rally large. But abandoning it to them makes it that much easier for them to be a dominant force. It's a conundrum.
A group of 45 civil society organisations in Germany (some of them rather large and active) have collectively decided yesterday to leave Twitter. Each of them has put out their joint statement about this on other social media.
47 orgs from environment, health, agriculture, human rights & social affairs jointly announce the suspension of their activities on X. The "eXit" alliance sets an example for a democratic & respectful culture of debate on International Day for Countering Hate Speech
eXit Hate Speech: 47 organisations cease activities on EuroNatur announces the discontinuation of its activities at X.
I really wish there was an American equivalent of this. Most of our local news and companies rely on Twitter and I hate it. :( After leaving Twitter I missed the news that multiple right wing agitators were running for our school board. Luckily I found out before primaries.
It really has been indistinguishable from Gab or Parler for months now and I don’t understand why anyone normal is still using it (unless they have some professional obligation to)
Spite. I just want to outlast him. 🫠
Yeah. That’s not how it works. Your traffic fuels him. He sells your views to advertisers and becomes stronger.
I knowwwww but I was there first, damnit!!!
Any day now they’re going to angle that X into a swastika, and I’m not kidding at all. In many ways they already have.
I wish so badly people would just get off of there, especially those in the media or with a lot of followers. I’m glad you’re here, Adam!
things really went down the drain once they let that sink in. plumb out of hope for the crucified bird.
It's such a cesspool where it's becoming a constant job of blocking people.
It is really annoying you can no longer block everybody who liked a horrible post.
I go back there to access my curated, private, mostly political lists. The international reach has yet to be matched elsewhere. I've pretty much stopped looking at replies as they are now a cesspit of maga/nazi and bot/troll disinfo. US, UK, EU, & French elections have escalated the problem.
Yep, it's why I left my account but do zero engagement. It's a nazi bar now.
Yeah, I'm essentially just cybersquatting my own name over there.
Tens of millions are being radicalized by Fox News, AM radio, Xitter, etc. and the people who should be shouting from the rooftops — mainstream media, Biden, democrats — are silent. WTF are we doing?!
Def don't like that journalists for major news orgs are still swimming in that pool. Fwiw it doesn't *seem* like twitter is driving as much conversation outside its own walls compared to pre-musk. But I'm on blue sky so what do i know?
And yet people feel the need to lecture about how it's completely reasonable to stay on the platform because it's... nicer? their friends are there? like, if it's an invaluable professional resource and you can't make rent without it fine, but that's not who gets pissy about staying.
What if I told you... you don't have to go there
Well it is a digital Nazi bar now, I guess. hang in the Nazi bar you will encounter Nazis. 🤷‍♀️
It's a digital sundown town, which is exactly what Apartheid Failson wanted.
I quit twitter when Musk bought it, but hear very little protest from people here about starvation of children and bombing of civilians. No, cruelty can’t be justified by blaming Hamas or saying Israel is defending itself. These don’t ring true. It’s merely a shameful opportunity of ethnic cleansing
You might be following the wrong folks. It's my entire feed.
Had a THEY LIVE moment looking around on my TL the other day, realized almost every ad and promoted post I saw was right-wing propaganda. I spend most of my time bickering about videogames/liking anime shitposts/bookmarking pornography but Twitter keeps trying to get me to engage with Charlie Kirk
Block don't dunk has been good at keeping the Nazis off Bluesky. Twitter is lost though
it's not even a Nazi bar - it's a Nazi communications office!
One of the reasons I finally got fed up and moved to Bluesky is because of the last thing you said. So many people I otherwise respected would fall for bigots making rage bait and either refuse to stop or only give a halfhearted defense when confronted. I couldn't take it anymore.
Hate engagement has been lucrative juice for SM since long before Elon.
The amount of commie propaganda on Blue Sky now is so pervasive, and the disturbing thing about it is that because it’s a successful engagement strategy on the platform you can see its influence either through people responding and therefore spreading it or echoing it for faves without realizing it
BTW, I don't believe that either of these statements is true.