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They/He queer, idk man. No more cops. No more cash bail.
What is it HBO does to their sound with theatrical movies where it’s soooo quiet I have to turn it up 50% more than normal? I’m watching Dune 2 like are they all trying not to be heard by the worms
I’m glad I got in really big powerlifter shape in my thirties just to have done it. My forties have been very much “hey lifting weights isn’t good for you any more” so I’m going to go back to the cardio jogging days of being really lean
Wild that this guy clearly has Parkinson’s the same way Reagan clearly had Alzheimer’s and there’s nothing anybody with power cares to do about it
Reposted byAvatar Bel
*threateningly* I'm everywhere. I'm so Julia
Baseball belongs to the left, Football belongs to the right. Sorry that’s just how it goes.
reskeet with a tweet you still think about
reskeet with a tweet you still think about
They should do a release where they cut out every Xander scene
They should make a way of maintaining boundaries that doesn’t make you feel like a joy-kill piece of shit
Hugh Jackman post divorce playing Wolverine
I need to restock my birthday/just-because cards, please let me know any artists you like who sell postage online
I need Biden to announce he won’t seek another turn so I have an excuse to talk politics at Anthrocon
I see a lot of people on dating apps want to know secret river or beach spots and I will tell you I would not give up that info until you saved my life or something
There’s a beach in Jamestown, RI accessible only by a long winding path and it only accommodates one group. You have to get there by 9am. Find it if you can!
Im really not ready to have house guests for a week, I feel like I signed up for some of those 1980s comedies except it’s going to be me trying to make small talk on day 4 while trying not to pull my face off with both hands
Had to delete that post because I felt a little mean about it but the tall and big noses is absolutely one of mine too
Any Joanne tweet I’ve seen against my will, but god she’s a terrible writer at anything other than children fighting magic bears. It’s all just language about who has what genitals. fucking cringe stuff
Using one of my sick days for when our houseguests getting here Wednesday leave on Monday. Trying to prep for the burnout of having two strangers (to me) in my space for most of a week. They’re staying in my office which is where I usually relax.
My legal last name is from my step-grandfather who was an abusive sack of shit. My legal middle name is a family line of British bigots. My legal first name is the coward who didn’t try to be in my father’s life. Like nah dude, sorry but you’re not enough for me to keep any of this.
They let you send little messages back on Amazon when you buy someone a gift card. My dad just replied to his Father’s Day one but telling me he loves me and hopes I didn’t decide to change my name. It’s awful how words can kinda just punch through you for a minute.
Anyway I couldn’t even type that right because I’m sitting here trying to decide if I do anything at all.
We could just mandate no company or person can own more than 2 homes/units, but where would that leave all the landlords who own 500 properties and employ exactly three repair people
Please I need the drama of prominent party officials telling him publicly to step aside in the next election. His brain is spaghetti-o’s at this point, and I’m saying this as someone who was a fan of him for VP in 2008 (yeah I was stupid)
Just realized I cannot get a hatchet tattoo because I live in Appalachia and I’m not an ICP fan
I just cut up a fallen tree with a hatchet I should be allowed to run a ford 150 off the road
If anyone wants to pay me $500 I’ll watch the debate tonight
Reposted byAvatar Bel
When you're a good little boy who gets to go on the coin ride outside the supermarket
I would like to play BG3 but I do have Outlaws coming up in September so idk
If you’re going to have twin characters, I think you should cast twins. Otherwise it gets too Parent Trap. House of the Dragon did that right
You killed off the only two interesting characters and left us with the one notes? Also half the dialogue is one character’s name. Not dropping the show name here so I don’t have to worry about spoiling anything. Also the big bad has been telegraphed since the last episode