
Not for nothing but it's a pretty shitty thing to do to sidle up to people who are expressing fears about the future in light of recent events and telling them to calm down or to stop being 'hysterical'. For one thing basically no-one has ever calmed down by being told to calm down.
For another it makes you sound like a patronizing jackhole,especially given that there are some pretty non-standard things happening just at the moment. Also unless you are an actual legal expert or political scientist there's no particular reason to be smugly superior about your take to begin with
And you know, arguably the correct reaction to injustice is not detached serenity - maybe it *is* anger. A lot of the revolutionary movements we cherish (including, seeing as Pride Month just ended, Stonewall) were fueled by rage.
The Peasant's Revolt was not a calm exchange of views regarding the overreach of royal authority. Emmeline Pankhurt's argument about broken windows (and thrown axes, and...) may not *always* be right - but it's not always wrong either.
Those people were listened to in 2016 but now they can all go eat twelve pounds of shit 😘
Well yes, there's also that previous iterations of 'hey just calm down a second' didn't really age all that well, isn't there.
Practically the best way to piss me off is to tell me to calm down.😅