
I appreciate the snark here bc it gets to a deeper problem w political discourse (both from avg ppl & reporters) in that its become almost solely focused around polling. If you look at fundamentals, spending, &, importantly, campaign/party infrastructure, Trump is actually in a v dicey position.
it’s over guys, Trump has a 42-40 July lead and there’s no way back from a hole that big
You see next to no reporting or discussion on this stuff, mostly bc it stands in pretty stark contrast to what polling in saying and a lot of news orgs have gone all in on the polling industrial complex bc its cheap to produce & generates content/engagement fast even if its garbage.
& maybe Trump actually will shitpost his way to getting elected again despite almost completely skipping on all the other stuff that we typically think of as how campaigns are won. But news media increasingly behaves as if elections exist only in the media when they in fact are largely on the ground
Not just “the stuff we typically think of as how campaign are won”, but the stuff that got Trump over the line in 2016!
Like, I feel like I’m taking crazy pills looking at the amount that this stuff is being ignored. The Biden campaign is building a massive GOTV operation, far larger & more robust than what they did in 2020 bc of covid, and Trump is…outsourcing it to Charlie Kirk.