
"Nobody used to think men exploiting women was wrong" is up there with "Nobody used to think slavery was wrong" as a really impressive giveaway of who you think counts as "nobody".
I shudder to think who is saying this garbage. The gross thing is how thinking like this steps around the fact that male power, sexual abuse, and exploitation are in many ways STILL not seen as bad things that pervade the world that need stopped.
Like you said, it really speaks to whose perspective and subjectivity gets treated as real, as “the world”
Oh you know. We can't get upset about past sexual offences* because it was a long time ago and morals were different then! * "past" here means "up to the last thirty seconds or so"
Love the implication that people rush to support abuse/assault survivors today lol Waiting for the day I see evidence of “feminism having gone too far” as opposed to it barely being started
(The implication within the stuff we’re gesturing at, I don’t mean an implication from you ofc)