
Switzerland do a lot better at the 2nd Amendment Strict originalists: "Of course the founders wanted people with deep rooted mental issues to have access to high capacity bumpstock fitted AR-15" Switzerland:
A is for AR-15, which any adult can buy B is for bullets, which make holes in guys C is for cops, who will wait outside for hours D is for dialing 911, which is what children do E is for EMTs, who can treat you when you escape F is for flee, with better odds at survival G is for guns, guns guns guns
You know, an actual well-regulated militia. I'm in favour of 2nd Amendment laws, but not at the expense of common sense. Regulations are mentioned in the fucking amendment! It's a safeguard against tyranny but unless you have artillery and air support, you aren't going to make it today, mate.
Guns *ARE* fun. My point is: We're not doing them very well. The militia ain't well regulated, amigo.
where is Honduras or other countries, eh?
Take another look at the countries listed, and see if you can guess why Honduras isnt listed. If you'd like to include DRC, Yemen, Haiti etc al. I'd be curious if you have come across the expression "beware the company you keep"
it seems kinda racist dont ya think.
its a right afforded to the PEOPLE. not the militia.
That may as well be, but doesn't refute my point.