Grumpy Old Git (70)

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Grumpy Old Git (70)

1970 edition in pale Caucasian with vinyl bucket seats
Not associated with the band "The B52s" but can belt out a decent version of "Love Shack"

Entertaining oneself while waiting for the last vestiges of optimism to fade. "ergo, to trudge"
This seems to be a rather legit question more and more each day
Were you in a coma during the first trump admin
I'm hoping the US opts for the tepid takeaway of UK'S General Election. You know, instead of the resurgence of Milkshake aficionado Nigel "FrogFace" Farage's Reform party.
Even a tepid choice can be a momentous change when the alternative is evil
TRUMP: I am going to drop daisy-cutter bombs on Seattle just cuz BIDEN: I'll have the Bob Salad — ha, COBB Salad, whoops. NYT: Biden's Gaffe Sends Shockwaves Through Democratic Party; Trump Pledges Infrastructure Changes to Northwest
what are we doing here? he accidentally said million instead of billion and then immediately knew it and corrected himself. he didn’t “flub a line” and then “make an effort to correct himself,” he did the speaking equivalent of a typo that you know you’ve made and instantly correct
This photo is pure 2024.
1/ I often write: The only thing I know *for certain* about the future is that it has not happened yet. Yesterday’s SCOTUS ruling is a perfect example of how much I need to heed my own mantra. For years, I heard Donald Trump was saying that he was certain that “his Supreme Court justices” . . .
Don't forget the Sharpie.
Also tomorrow in the New York Times, Bill Cosby on “Why It’s Paranoid To Watch Your Drink Carefully In Bars”
They're calling it Project Canute
How far will the fossil fuel industry go to protect itself from climate impacts it helped cause? A $21 billion liquefied natural gas plant in Louisiana will be surrounded by a 26-foot-high steel sea wall to stave off rising seas.
A rising fortress in sinking Rising seas and steel walls test the strength of a Louisiana coastal gas development, raising questions about flooding, climate change and community impacts.
#LoveIslandUSA S6 E:14 I called it on Serena. She led Cordell on so bad.
Switzerland do a lot better at the 2nd Amendment Strict originalists: "Of course the founders wanted people with deep rooted mental issues to have access to high capacity bumpstock fitted AR-15" Switzerland:
The only consolation is how seriously fucking bad things would be if Obamacare, so sorry I meant "The Affordable Care Act" hadn't had gone through at all. RIP John McCain - at least he was a Statesmen, Maverick? He'd be Democrat today. "RINO you dint"
US Healthcare? Dang - that sounds a little like an UK NHS thing. US Healthcare sucks so bad. But I'd rather cancelled appointments than have a $10,000 deductible. #MedicareForAll
#LoveIslandUSA S5E13 Leah be cray Nicole I really liked up until tonight, at not just because she's doing Kendall wrong. Rob is way too calculating. JaNa better figure out what she's doing wrong (Hint "Pick Me. Pick Me.") Cordell is blind, Serena is going to dump him 1st bombshell for her.
The New York Times piece on how to do a good party is every bit as horrifying as you expect if you hate parties and, increasingly, the New York Times
Now do flood events.
The frequency and magnitude of extreme wildfires around the globe has doubled in the last two decades due to climate change, according to a study. The six most extreme fire years have occurred since 2017, the study found.
Fueled by climate change, extreme wildfires have doubled in 20 The six most extreme fire years have occurred since 2017, the study found.
#LoveIslandUSA Season 6 is bringing it. I'll be so disappointed if the producers get too hands on. Having said that: Ooof tonight was brilliant. Who do you think the girls would have voted off from the boys and vice versa?
Sadly "deeply stupid" appears to be the motif de jour, and I don't see that changing any time soon
This would be a deeply stupid move for the world to make. The demand driver has to pay for this build out.
The only way to beat trolls is to recognize you only start to get haters when you're actually doing something that arouses emotions. And more likely than not, youll have more supporters quietly rooting for you than loud trolls with nothing better to do.
Yet again the Tories are openly lying, as usual. According to the Government’s own statistics, in 2020, the UK imported 46% of the food it consumed, so we already do not have food security. Link to Government website for figures and research:
We really don’t be sayin “why i oughtta!!!” anymore
I assume “this is the least angry year of the rest of your life” is relevant here.