
Does anybody else wonder what Joy lives on? Those houses on Beechwood can't be cheap, and I presume she is retired. She either had a very good pension plan, or is living on the proceeds of a criminal empire. #TheArchers
Perhaps Rochelle gave her the proceeds from her last bank robbery, for safekeeping, while she laid low for a bit? #TheArchers
Hopefully she got a good divorce settlement. #TheArchers
I think she used to be some kind of spy. Huge salary that her lifestyle meant she couldn’t spend at the time. Away a lot so rel/w Rochelle strained and R closer to dad. And when Joy retired, relationships crashed, so now she has savings, great pension, big house, but no family contact. #TheArchers
Oh, and her spy-craft will now help with Alice🤞 #TheArchers (to be clear though, I don’t really think this, it’s just one of many increasingly ridiculous explanations I have pondered 😆)
Ooooh when did Joy become a spy? This is exciting development! #TheArchers
It wouldn't be a first for #TheArchers. Hazel Woolley's mother Valerie Grayson/Trentham/Woolley and her friend Mike Daly had both been spies during WW2 😁
I wonder if Rochelle works for GCHQ hence the secrecy. #TheArchers
Or is a dominatrix in her cellar #TheArchers
Joy in Joy’s Dungy Bet Justin would go #TheArchers
He'd have to get in the queue behind Brian, and probably Tom. #TheArchers
A large divorce settlement? One that impoverished the ex husband , offering another reason for Rochelle to be annoyed with her? And she got the house in the divorce and sold it, again, annoying Rochelle, and that money bought the Beechwood house? This would be common in a U.S. divorce. #TheArchers
I think divorce settlements are more equitable over here. is the person to ask, being an ex divorce lawyer. #TheArchers
Depends on the circumstances- after a marriage of reasonable length, you’d start by seeing where 50/50 got to but for most people, it’s a matter of financial needs Joy’s circumstances are intriguing #TheArchers
Yes, the circumstances. If the wife was supposed to be the maintainer of the house because there was a minor child, she'd get the house. That may have been the case here, Rochelle at the time of the unspecified divorce being under 18. Then Joy applied for and got permission to move? #TheArchers
Yes, you're right. I have no idea of the details and was just having a bit of fun with what if....
Maybe she’s a fence for stolen goods? 🤔 #thearchers
I'm sure we are going to find out a lot more about Joy over time, now she has become a fixture in the Ambriverse. #TheArchers
The Rochelle mystery has perhaps gone on for rather too long though - it seems to annoy people now #thearchers
I am quite happy for it to carry on for as long as they want to spin it out, myself. People need to have more patience. #TheArchers is very good at playing the long game, which I think is one of its strengths.
Very true. And some unresolved storylines become part of the folklore. #thearchers
Oooh the criminal proceeds for which Rochelle is in Prison for? #TheArchers