
I remember when this study came out. I was in college and I couldn't believe it. So I asked some conservative classmates and sure enough, they thought Colbert was just the conservative Jon Stewart. One in particular became EXTREMELY mad at me about this study. He got a job in Texas in politics.
People talk about the decline of media literacy but it's been an issue for centuries. Some people really aren't operating on any high level They thought Colbert's Colbert character was a conservative, for instance
Conservatives Think Colbert Is A study shows your personal political beliefs determine your interpretation of The Colbert Report.
Oh yeah, I mean, Obamacare was basically just Romneycare.
The video shows how stupid people are not knowing that Obamacare and the Affordable Care Act are the same thing. It’s a sadly funny video.
I just watched it. "Shout out to my mom!" Hilarious. A great video that showcases exactly the problem.
Oh and yes it does. Sadly. Sometimes I think people need to pass a civics test in order to vote.
But that was for citizenship, right? It’s usually immigrant citizens who know more about a country than it’s natural born citizens. Not all natural born citizens of course. But too many it seems.