
a thing i really sincerely believe is that both the center left and the left left have got to snap out of peacetime dilettantism and recognize that we are at war.
whatever differences there are, and there are enough to argue about until the end of time itself, simply aren’t large or important enough to matter given the size and scope of the threat.
What happened in Italies last election should be a giant warning sign.The right stuck together in one coalition while the centre to left ran 3 different coalitions.Guess what happened .Despite not winning the majority of the votes the right got most seats and now govern in Italy eroding democracy
Herding leftists is like herding cats 😩
You can lead a horse to water, but you can't get it to drink.
Comparable to herding libertarians
I don't know about that. Libertarians have all transformed from guys who don't like seat belt laws into guys who think laws banning abortions or trans healthcare do not go far enough, all without the slightest resistance.
2016 seemed like an existential threat due to Trump’s obvious incompetence, but this is some much darker and evil shit that we’re dealing with, and failing to beat it back means the end of everything we like to pretend this country stands for
Joe Biden sucks ass in so many ways, but Donald Trump/Steven Miller with no restrictions is so much worse than anything I can imagine
Yeah they were kinda flailing on the first term, but these people have had the last 4 years to prepare and to wage wars in the news and on social media to whip up hate and vitriol enough to solidify their plans. Things like Project 2025 are indescribably horrific
The problem was (is), everybody who SAID it was an existential threat was told they were being irrational and overreacting.